Is the "American Dream" dead? Some look to greener pastures outside the US!

you can even live in Texas or New Jersey if you so choose.

the sky is the limit.


In my lifetime I’ve been blessed to have lived or worked in 48 states and four Canadian provinces. Never been to Alaska I hear it’s to die for. Never been to Hawaii, I hear you have to experience it but it’s expensive. Alberta and the Yukon literally blew me away.
Been to MX on vacations ( never going back) been to and trained in Central America ( Panama). Been to Europe specifically Germany keeping an eye on the Fulda so the Russians wouldn’t pull an Ukraine “operation”. Liked Europe in the early ‘70’s
All in all couldn’t wait to get home to WPA. Now I live in S FL. It’s all been great and I have great memories. For now though


That’s amazing!

It really looked great on resumes

Horse racing as practiced in this country is cruelty.

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one mans cruelty is another ones enjoyment.

different strokes for different folks.


When pursuing the American Dream…understand how difficult it still is and that’s how it was from the beginning. It’s like running up an escalator going down. The choices you make in expenditures along the way, greatly influence your progress…ESPECIALLY…at first. Only spend money on your needs. As time goes on, you’ll make more money at what ever it is you’re doing plus…somewhere along the way, your money starts making money too. Remember…it’s hard but the American Dream is a live.

ps…your choice of a mate is CRITICAL to your personal and professional success


About 400,000 American retirees are living overseas. Lower cost of living can be a big factor.

Many US citizens have a second or third passport. Naturalized US citizens can frequently keep their original passport, and many countries offer citizenship by descent.

Back in the 19th century a trip to America was almost always a one-way trip for arriving immigrants. These days travel is much easier and more options are possible.

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I doubt you’ve ever been on a horse.

You’re enjoying cruelty. The man doesn’t matter to the horse.

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of course i rode horses. when i was living in texas, my cousin owned a horse and i rode her horse. now of course i would not, too old and too heavy. back in my texas days i was 160, almost jockey weight. lol.


Of course you did.

Did you gallop for a quarter mile? No?

Stop being cruel to animals.

did i gallop out? no. i did ride him however, one of the nicest geldings i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. i mucked his stall, and groomed him.
he was great.


Of course you did.

I don’t know how anyone can’t see the horse racing industry as cruel. How many horses are put down on the track every year for now other reason than greedy people pushing them past their limits? I feel the same way about show dog owners. Just let them be dogs!


Many stories like this:

Nothing wrong with having two passports. Though of course there are countries that do not allow this. My mate who is from Venezuela had to forego his Venezuelan citizenship when he became an American citizen. I do not know if this was a US or Venezuelan requirement.

But the US does recognize dual citizenship with many countries.

of course horses will always be injured on the track, which is why the fed took over last year. too many injuries too horses dying. much better in 2023

Based on 2023 data, Angst tells us, “99.87% of flat racing starts at the racetracks participating in the EID were completed without a fatality.’ The goal for starters should be for trainers and vets to turn that 99.87% into 99.97%.

thank you HISA and HIWU. thank you congress for passing federal oversight in horse racing.


The American Dream is alive but it takes a lot of work, planning, preparation and continuous modification. It’s a dynamic process. The forces working against someone accomplishing it though, have increased. One of the biggest factors in accomplishing it, is who you choose to surround yourself with? Choose wisely…especially when choosing your mate.

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“American” dream… we dream of an oppressive government, regulating you into slavery, taxing you into poverty, promising you everything and delivering nothing…

now thank your democratically elected and appointed governmental masters

governmental “education” and control of information - google it


Who cares as long as I can get my gamble on!