Is Russia-Ukraine Just a Distraction from All the Damaging Durham Material?

Might want to check that.

What is a combat aviation brigade and why does that impress you?

I’m saying that Eastern Europe wants additional US troops for security reasons due to the Russian threat. Just like in 2014. Trump was fine with that to ease European jitters. Now I believe Trp would send in additional troops because it’s almost the exact same thing he was fine with during his administration. I’m using past actions as an indicator of how he would act in this current situation. We can never know for sure because Trump lost. But his past actions seem to indicate how he would react here.

This discussion has gone off on an unimportant tangent. If you want to make a point will you please just make it.

Someone coaxed the truth out of your narrative.

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No. My "narrative"was that the additional troops now are just like the additional troops we sent under Obama and Trump for the exact same reasons. Russian threat in Ukraine so our allies wanted additional troops. Now there is a Russian threat and our European allies want additional troops. It’s the same situation. My “narrative” was that past actions by Trump fit with what he would do now. Send additional troops like Biden is doing. This isn’t a very complicated argument.

I think it’s not out of the realm of thought that countries like Russia and China wasn’t as brave during the Trump years as they thought he might be crazy enough to blow the whole thing up. Just a hunch as it seems to kicked off with Bush Jr and Georgia, then Obama and the Crimea. Now the current cluster ■■■■ under Biden. It could all be coincidence though.

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Brandon is not doing what Trump did though, right?

You brought Trump into it.

There’s really no point trying to discuss this topic in a serious way here. I mean literally no point. People just want to say Biden sucks and don’t care about what’s actually going on and have no interest in educating themselves. No, Trump didn’t send in additional troops in 2022 because Trump isn’t president in 2022. This is the weirdest logic. Every situation is going to be different. But one can look at previous responses and take that as an indication of how someone would react if they were president.


You tried.

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Then why did you mention Trump?

Tried what? To shed off on Trump?

Because when people here childishly criticize the current president for doing something that is very very very similar to something the previous president did in Eastern Europe and did in other countries(specifically moving additional troops to the Middle East when tensions were high) it’s not that crazy of a comparison. Especially when certain people here are completely lacking in knowledge of the situation but continue to criticize it. These threads are not absolutely limited to only talking about the current president. We’re allowed to reference the past for context. I brought up what Obama did in the past to help with the context of the current situation. It allows for a more informed discussion. Then you went off on some weird tangent about well what troops got rotated in, which ones, which ones rotated out, look it up for me, as if that matters. That was the weird tangent.


But it’s not. By your own admission.

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Jesus, just let it go. It’s moving additional troops to Eastern Europe to reassure our allies there because of Russia’s activities and threats in and towards Ukraine. Just like in 2014. Is it an identical situation? No. It is slightly different in that it is now 2022 and the exact same circumstances are not in play because that’s actually impossible. But it’s very very very similar and something Trump was fine with when he was in office. Is that so damn hard to accept?

The Good Lord has what to do with your TDS?

It’s materially different.

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There’s just no point discussing this here.

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I see you trying to drag Trump under Brandon’s bus again, I’ll be back.

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And I’ll try to find people who want to actually discuss the situation who are knowledgeable about it so we can actually have a discussion on the facts with a full context of what is going on in Ukraine, Russia, NATO and Europe.

Good luck.