Is Omicron a curse or a blessing?

Yes. I love the twist “no evidence that vaccines don’t work”. Given the limited data that statement is also true for chicken soup or even a lucky rabbit’s foot.

At this point a cup of chicken soup has at least much credibility in fighting Omicron without the nasty side effects.

Here is current data from the CDC. The portion of the confirmed cases that were vaccinated or Omicron exceeds are greater than the portions in the general population.

The vaccines appear to do nothing to prevent infection based on this limited data.


Meanwhile the UK has reported the first person to die “with Omicron”. No details are available.

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The vaxxed however for the most part don’t die.


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I get that from pharma, and I was on board when the vaccine was highly effective against covid it’s just not now we are seeing this with new data coming out and each variant.

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Random observation based in part on the days events: in theory a urinal is 100% effective too … but restaurants around here seem to be victims of guys (not me) who think marksmanship means somewhere in the same zip code.


While it is bad the virus is still mutating, it is starting to mutate into less virulent forms. I believe if people can get vaccinated or otherwise build up some immunity, we will soon have the worst of the virus behind us- the severity/virulence of each mutant will become more and more assauged.

The problem is, I worry that other countries are going to know “where the cracks are” and create a Frankenstein virus that is even more deadly than SARS-CoV-2.

Y’all better hope they don’t utilize HIV or a Rhabdovirus (like rabies) next time.

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To follow up- they typically don’t vaccinate against Baltimore Class VII viruses like HIV (+ssRNA viruses with Reverse Transcriptase and a DNA intermediate) because they are so complex.

Instead, they have therapies- reverse transcriptase inhibitors. However, individuals who have been infected are often on this therapy for the rest of their life.

Segmented DNA viruses are also terrible, because their genome has an additional wall to their fortress. Many of them are hepatic and affect the liver.

There are worse viruses out there. You better thank your lucky stars for the virologists, biochemists, doctors, and researchers who have made it their mission to try to combat SARS-CoV-2. And Fauci needs to be on Death Row.

The mRNA vaccine is somewhat new technology. They have to refine it.

The shot doesn’t give you antibodies I don’t think.

Yes I fear there will be no lesson from this regardless of the millions dead and trillions in treasury down the drain the CCP will be off the hook and we just have to wait and see what the next lovely pandemic will be like to come from China.

What did the CCP learn from this. The ultimate middle finger to the world.

There is a good write up here on how quick they could get out a vaccine for Omicron.

  1. How long until a new vaccine might be ready?

It takes only three days to generate the DNA template needed to make a new mRNA vaccine. Then it would take about a week to produce sufficient doses of the mRNA vaccine for testing in the lab and another six weeks to perform the pre-clinical tests on human cells in test tubes to make sure a new vaccine works as it should.

So within 52 days, scientists could have an updated mRNA vaccine ready to plug into the manufacturing process and begin producing doses for a human clinical trial. That trial would likely require at least another few weeks for a total of around 100 days to update and test a new vaccine.

While that trial is going on, manufacturers could start switching their current process to making a new vaccine. Ideally, once the clinical trial is complete – and if the vaccine gets authorized or approved – a company could immediately start rolling out doses of a new vaccine.

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What’s the point? As contagious as Omicron appears to be everyone will have had it by then.


Yes, and even Dr. Fauci admits there is a risk that vaccinations could increase the risk of infections.

Will Twitter ban Fauci for spreading anti-vax propaganda?

Fortunately, preliminary data from South Africa is showing that the Pfizer vaccine provides significant protection against hospitalization even if it does little to prevent infection.

I wonder how Fauci is illegally sneaking funding to them this time?

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Correct- because it is not passive immunity in which antibodies are pre-made. Vaccinations are active immunity, in which an attenuated or a component of a pathogen is provided, the body “studies” it, and makes its own antibodies.

Passive immunity would be seen with the monoclonal antibody therapy or if a mom had COVID and was transferring some of her antibodies through breast milk.

Looks like UK officials are having trouble keeping the story straight.

I doubt the number is even 10.

This was much to the annoyance of one of Good Morning Britain‘s hosts, with Adil Ray saying to Raab: “So you’ve given three different numbers on three different national news shows to the population!”

After accusing Ray of liking to “rant” at politicians, Raab claimed that he misheard the initial question asked on Sky News, thinking that he was being asked to provide the number of cases “generally”.

Sky News has also reported that officials are claiming that he “misspoke” during both the BBC and Sky News interviews and that there are, in fact, ten cases of Omicron in UK hospitals.

Credibility is gone…vanished.

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The UK government is withholding information about the first person to die “with Omicron”.

I suspect two possible explanations. Either the person was fully vaccinated and boosted, or the death clearly had nothing to do with Omicron. If the death was really the result of an Omicron infection in an unvaccinated person, the government would be declaring a monumental crisis.

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That assessment agrees with the data from the UK, which appears to be following the path of South Africa. New cases are at record levels while new deaths are low and trending downward as Omicron replaces Delta and other dangerous variants.

If Omicron proves to be a better vaccination than what Big Pharma is putting out, will there be mandatory pox parties to ensure that everyone gets it?

Or will there be mandatory Omicron boosters to protect the public from a better vaccine?

Can we pay off the vaccine makers to just go away?

Depends, can we get a definitive answer on reinfection rates using sequencing instead of PCR tests?