Is it time to sue Google?

…and yet here you are, always making excuses to attempt to cuddle yourself with ridiculous beliefs.

…and yet, you don’t take Larry Elder’s word or other minorities’ that it’s not true cuz you know better? Weird.

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Examples were provided, White supremacists are real. They are a problem, that cannot be ignored.

Choose to ignore reality.

What beliefs are those?

I do not know better per say…i simply do not listen to grifters pushing flawed information.

Post it. Show me actual footage of a white supremacist act being recorded and let’s both watch. It should be very easy because it’s the number one national threat…or stop talking lib stupidity?

Before you post, let me make a simple prediction…you’ll come up with an excuse!

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Per se

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“Grifters”…as in minorities that totally dispel your flawed beliefs.

No. Grifters that spew BS that the gullible buy, it confirms their flawed beliefs.

Stop the steal
Covid is a hoax
Tax cuts create more tax revenue
Racism is no longer an issue, there are very few racists left, and they have no longer have any impact


What specifically are you looking for?

A modern KKK cross burning?

Quotes from White supremacists?

They think slavery and jim crow are still alive and well. :roll_eyes:

I have sometimes along the way googled things only to not find it.

Then go to duckduckgo and find it. That tells me google is doing some censuring.

Usually something political.

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No…a lot of progress has been made.

The disagreement, is cons do not believe racism plays a significant role any longer, and also play down the lasting effects of centuries of systemic/institutional racism that still exist today.

Do you have a specific example?

Bam…how’d I know? When you can’t even present an example of what you believe, other than a written opinion from someone else, telling you how you should think, how sheopolized can one person get?

It is odd, and a bit entertaining to witness one bask in their ignorant bliss.

Here is another earth shattering revelation, water is wet.

If that’s the case, then I should be Supreme. :sunglasses:

Black supremacists are real too. What’s your point?

Woke Supremacists