Is it time to sue Google?

Thus you trust google in spite of their reputation.

As if though your faith in their algorithm is based on knowledge.

Ummm…built my first website when Google was still made out if Legos. I’ve also received 5 figure checks from Google and Yahoo. I may know a tad more on this subject than you. :sunglasses:

The point was regarding white supremacy, not ignorance.


True. What neither you nor I have access to is the details of their algorithms and any tweaking thereof that they may apply. Making your greater knowledge rather useless in this context.

Here. Learn something about their tweaks. And from a source you will trust.

If Larry Elder is a tool, what is Biden … a puppet?

It is cute you think institutional racism has to be written down some where.

White supremacy, is fueled by ignorance.

To be institutionalized it has to be written down. Otherwise it’s just arbitrary.


A career politician, who is now POTUS.

Yes it is, but that’s not what the point being made was about. Don’t you follow conversations back to see context before you jump in the middle of them?

Historically, it was written down, as laws.

Many of those laws were thrown and and changed, or no longer enforced

I found this, which sums it up quite well.

Institutional racism is the collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their color, culture, or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behavior that amount to discrimination through prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people.

All of which is a reflection of the past, not the present.

It just evolved, and is still happening.

As a white male, you have not experienced it. Just as I have not.

But I know many who have. And I also read a lot.

All true, but it does not mean institutional racism exists.

Is it? Who should be supreme?


Actually it doesn’t.

Where it went off the rails.

Agreed. But hegemony requires a choice because of competing goals. Doesn’t have to be race.

You see how our choices in life differ? Guess what, so are our life’s outcomes as a direct result.

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Yep…yours. If you can’t provide examples, then it’s pure ignorance. Libs, regarding white supremacy, kind of remind me of all those nodding yes, that they could see the emperor’s new clothes.