Is it time to sue Google?

:rofl: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:

Then the Marxist extortion scam known as blm can be labeled “racist while supremacists”. Oui?

So because we have been stopping white supremacists before they commit their acts, you don’t care?

By that metric, black supremacists are the bigger threat by an order of magnitude.

Show the Louisiana police policy or law that institutionalizes racism.

No…I asked for an example and that wasn’t one. How about you, in this target rich element of white supremacy being fed, can you provide some examples?


Does he have any children serving on boards of countries in foreign countries his father served as liaison too? Any children who took up painting and are selling them to anonymous purchasers for $500,000 a piece?
If so, I agree he is just seeking to grift.

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Good idea. You should do that. Good place to start. :+1:

Do you understand that my feelings are not your concern? Maybe you should mind you own business? We don’t need any fake lawyers or any fake shrinks. Fair enough?

Now, now. The histrionics aren’t going to cut it.

You started a thread, I responded to your topic. If you didn’t want responses, you shouldn’t have posted.

Your ignorance of the law is not something to be so proud of - particular when you start threads on the law.

Your ignorance of the most basic elements of good manners is also nothing to be proud of. Work on it.


Do you really think you’re in a position to talk about “manners”?

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On political matters I often use duckduckgo in addition to google. It cannot be coincidence that more non leftist sources show up on duckduckgo. It would be interesting to see how each works that would create this divergence. Something we will never be allowed to see.


I do!

But I certainly screw up from time to time. I don’t ask people to be perfect. Only to try. I’m typically the second person in a conversation to go personal or condescending. But not always. When people call me out, I typically don’t deny it.

Fair enough?

Bam…I totally agree and do the same.

*[quote=“altair1013, post:89, topic:240129, full:true”]

Good idea. You should do that. Good place to start. :+1:

Done. Your turn.

Nope. Sorry. I don’t take the advice of wokies.

Sweet. Especially the lack of desire to learn. Extra sweet

Internet search results are basically a popularity contest. You ever think you don’t like the results you see on Google because your beliefs are fringe? Of course you like DuckDuckCrap…confirmation bias is a powerful drug. :sunglasses: