Is it time to stop pretending that Covid isn't man made?

That simply is true.

Give me a shred of evidence that this was a natural occurrence. You can’t. Because nobody has any.

Here you go

Examination of the locations where the earliest cases were detected shows that most of these cases cluster around the Huanan market, and these areas were also the first to experience pneumonia deaths in January 2020. No epidemiological link was found to any other area in Wuhan, including the BSL-4 campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which is the subject of speculation. Laboratory escapes of viruses documented to date almost exclusively involved viruses that were brought into labs specifically due to their known ability to infect humans.

So, they have a bat who is carrying Covid 19? Uhm Nope. They have a theory. Written by people who want to cover up what really happened.

There is actual records of gain of function research.

True, but I think we must all admit that bats and Wuhan street food vendors are not to blame.

That isn’t the truth.

It was engineered in a lab by splicing together three virions, and then “accidentally” released into the population.

Those “accidental” numbers aren’t making you sound any more mature.

Process of elimination … if it did not come from street vendors selling bat meat, so what possibilities remain?

I crossed it out to be passive-aggressive, but you can see it was a pitiful effort deliberately.

But is there a connection between those first noted cases and the cases (and deaths) at the Wuhan lab?

??? So how does that make what I said untrue? :thinking:

I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

The point of your reply was to contradict what I had written, otherwise you wouldn’t have replied.

Unless you were being sarcastic or to mock me? I mean, you’re trying to “dumb it down”- which is a recent thing I have noticed you and other Conservatives do when replying to me.

I’ll bite:

That is basically what I wrote.

Do we know China is almost completely unscathed?

We only know what they report.

This thing is just starting to break. I have no doubt there is more to come. There is also no doubt your news sources will ignore it.

If you want us to believe you, stop quoting Breitbart’s take and link the actual documents.

Primary sources, please.

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I’m not asking you to believe me. It’s not my story. I am more than happy to inform you of news your sources won’t cover. That’s enough for me.

We also know that China’s mitigation measures were much more effective than ours.

Our “patriots” whine about the yyranny of face diapers, meanwhile China was welding doors to apartment buildings shut

You’re the one making definitive claims…and then backing these claims up, not with primary sources, but with opinion pieces.

Breitbart isn’t a “news source”…it’s spin.

Let’s see what the actual documents read…not someone’s spin on the documents.

Be patient. This story is breaking. I’m guessing there is more to come.

I wrote the same thing and you put in the word “but” as if to imply that what I wrote wasn’t true.

It’s literally what I wrote down. Look at the images.

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