Is it time to immediatly resume in person debates?

Fracking is great right up to the point to where you can light your tap water on fire.

Trump already backed out of the debate for Thursday, so that one is a goner.

He is, of course, free to see if he can negotiate something with the rules committee for the debate on the 22nd.

Although, after he just bailed on one debate, I’d probably not be too enthusiastic to work with him on any future debates.

And personally, if I were Biden, I’d wear a full hazmat suit.

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It will do that.

Trust science. Science for the win. The medical professional has spoken.

I’m not making that call since I’m in no way a doctor.

“Sit the hell down, man.”

That’s not remotely true :roll_eyes:

He’s missing a huge opportunity.

You don’t actually believe that fracking makes your water burn do you? Has anybody ever been able to find a source that shows fracking puts natural gas into a municipal water supply? Please link that finding. Seriously, y’all need to stop believing the tin foil hat conspiracy crap.

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Peer reviewed study in from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the official journal of the National Academy of Sciences.

Thanks WW…guess it’s not so tin foil hat after all. :roll_eyes:

[quote=“WorldWatcher, post:123, topic:236272, full:true”]

Epic fail.

Did they locate the source? Did they find and repair the ruptured water line that allow gas to enter the water supply? Or are they still trying to find it? What was the EPA’s finding?

[quote=“altair1013, post:125, topic:236272, full:true”]


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I see. So they have not found any rupture that would allow gas to get into the water supply. Let me know when they do.


I’ll just declare victory and move on. :sunglasses:

How many of these are there going to be I wonder?

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Super Spreader Donnie threw away his chance at a debate. Too bad, so sad.

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You do realize that most wells drilled for fracking are on lands that have private potable wells?

Are you quizzing me? How adorable. Bless yur heart. :grin:

Do you realize that that aquifers go for hundreds of miles underground? Containing them to a few acres would really be tough.

So again, they still have yet to discover where contaminates are getting in. Is the water coming out of the treatment facility contaminated? Nope. They test that constantly. Is the water in the holding tanks contaminated? Again, no sign of that. That means it’s happening in the pipes supplying the consumer. But they just can’t seem to locate the rupture. :laughing:

Potable wells are not linked to treatment facilities or holding tanks, but you should know that already.

How did they manage to keep the contamination limited to small wells on private property? You should know this already.