Is it Race or Culture?

Here’s a pretty good breakdown. It’s a dialect map but it serves the purpose.


I don’t know about “most”, some definitely do; why?

I think it’s naive to think that North Eastern Texas would be anywhere close to what it’s like on the Gulf of Mexico. However, I haven’t lived there, so i wouldn’t know.

I did live south of Mobile, Alabama for about a year. So I have somewhat of an understanding of what life is like in the deep south.

Looks about right.

Dallas, Tyler, etc.

It’s about fresh water, not salt water.

You think this is some kind of killshot? Step. Ya. Game. Up.

They want to be part of the “white savior” movement and believe that they must first pay their dues by denouncing the white man.

The two maps line up pretty well, huh?

I’m sorry. I have to.

Tyler Durten.

I’m pretty sure I do and am pretty confused that you don’t understand the very simple point I made.

Makes sense.

Dallas no. Tyler is on the edge. Fort Worth definitely not. Amazing what a difference 50 miles can make.

There is no eyeroll emoji emphatic enough.



You don’t think white guilt exists? Paternalism?

Ok, if you say so.

Of course it does, both sides have their own version. Conservatives suffer from white man’s burden and liberals from white guilt. They’re both equally obnoxious.

It’s the stupid let’s charitably call it intellectual leap he made. That’s like me saying, oh, you don’t like hip hop culture, so you’re clearly one of the people that called people like me wiggers and ■■■■■■ lovers in the day.