Is it not time for our mainstream media to report the U.S. is under attack?

While America sleeps, there is a massive, self-inflicted invasion taking place at our southern border by the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of Mexico and Central America [Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Colombia and Guatemala]. And once in our country, these invaders suck the life blood of the United States like a swarm of ticks and fleas, taking over public housing meant for needy American citizens; over burdening our public schools and causing the children of American citizens to pay the price by having various programs dropped to pay for the special needs of the millions of children of illegal entrants; saddling American taxpaying Citizens with the $BILLIONS used to finance free healthcare for those who have invaded our borders; draining foodbanks of resources meant to help America’s poor and needy; not to mention the social costs, especially criminal activities, they inflict upon American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities.

And yes, this invasion is self-inflicted! See The Biden border crisis is a self-inflicted disaster that can be solved

What is most frightening is, in recent reports Border Agents apprehended about 172,000 people __ a 71% increase over February’s numbers. But the “get-aways”— illegal immigrants who swarm remote parts of the border but can’t be stopped due to a lack of manpower — in January and February is estimated to be 120,000, and the above mentioned article informs us that:

“Left unchecked, we’re looking at 750,000 “get-aways” this year alone. These are not “asylum-seekers” surrendering at a crossing station. These are dangerous criminals, drug smugglers, human traffickers, and terrorists willing to do anything to get into America and do harm. This isn’t a border state problem — it’s an unfolding national disaster of unprecedented scope with terrible implications for years to come.”

Unfortunately, our mainstream media, for some unknown reason, refuses to report on this massive invasion, and how American citizens and their children are paying the price for the swarm of foreigners flooding across our border from Mexico and Central America ___ a swarm which is estimated will be about 2 MILLION BY YEAR’S END.

When will a reporter ask Biden the following question?

How is filling the United States with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of Mexico and Central America advancing the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust Fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Hi John.


I feel like the mainstream press could be doing more to keep the reports of how America was attacked by a hunch of crazed Trump supporters front and centrer. Don’t let it fade and let these enemies from within try to whitewash their treasonous actions.


If its an invasion, does that mean we need to shoot them?

Actually, any military aged male attempting to enter the US illegally is arguably a threat to US security.

They should be warned that if found entering illegally they may be shot at.

Instead of killing people we should take a more humanitarian approach towards them.

We ain’t in Berlin in the 1960s.


…and as can be seen already in this thread, a second problem is that so many in our country…IMO due to there being peace for so long, sleep in la-la land, believing their l’il world is safe and sound…permanantly.

How many people, when trying to enter a side of Berlin, were shot by the side they were trying to defect to.

Illegals in Hotels with three meals a day, swimming pool, etc. while Americans are sleeping in the streets.

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If we were being invaded by North Koreans, would we give them a warning as they came upon our shores?

Normally I’d agree with you, but John said its in invasion. He even used the word swarm as if to imply they are subhuman, some sort of rat like infestation. I’m surprised he’s not suggesting giant mouse trap like devices.

While the children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the special needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK]

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK

and taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK

and the Biden Administration is housing the surge of foreigners flooding into our country from Central America in expensive hotels at taxpayer expense! LINK

The sad truth is, American citizens are sleeping in the streets while illegal entrants are housed in expensive hotels at taxpayer expense:


And after all this, all you have to offer is a snarky remark?



Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

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Zero chance. The media is part of the Biden communication team. Why would they do that? You may as well ask Jen to report it.


Yes, that about sums it up.

Well, since you advocate “From each according to their ability to pay, to each who needs help living a decent life.” ___ fallenturtle

I can understand why you posted that snarky remark, even though American Citizens are PAYING THE PRICE for Biden’s open border policy.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

I know, I’m a monster.

I think we can absorb them. I also think there is validity in concerns that we can’t afford to… but your presentation is a little much. Why do you have to go the dehumanization route?

I’ll take migrants crossing the border over most republicans any day of thecweek


I’ll trade 3 libs for 5 Mexicans or others from central/South America…deal?

Edit to add. Maybe I should say trade 3 White libs. :wink:

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“Not now John…somethin’, somethin’, wily Japanese.”

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Used to be a country had to go to war and pillage and enslave to get fresh talent. We’ve got people willingly traversing the Darién Gap as the middle leg of a journey and get upset about it.