Is it better to have a president who has already survived COVID? Or one who is deathly afraid of it?

This was my first post on this topic:

You immediately extrapolated that to:

Referee, penalize thyself.

8 million Americans have tested positive. Itā€™s not an indication of intelligence.

Sheesh yourself, your whole arguement is he is a spreader and Biden is not. If masks are not 100% then Biden or someone in his enteraugh could also become a spreader.

For a man with that power, privilege and protection, it might be.

Napoleon had all correspondence dipped in vinegar. Anti-plague measure.

You have some evidence of these claims?

May have been a reference to liking soldiers who arenā€™t taken prisoner.

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Nope, not my argument. You whiffed on that one.

My argument is, Biden takes precautions to mitigate the risk of transmission. Trump sees them as a lib plot to make him look weak. Thatā€™s why Trump and a significant portion of his staff are now the walking infected.

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Then make suggestion instead of throwing stones.

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Any of the 8 million could have stayed home, couldnā€™t they?

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True overall. But a minority of the victims have greatly increased their chances of contracting it through irresponsible behavior. You donā€™t put Trump in that group?

Sorry I have to spell things out for you. He is the President he canā€™t shut down the government. The only way to not be exposed a 100% is by shutting down the government.

Which would make it off topic trolling. Iā€™m giving the benefit of the doubt.

I think that is a generalization you are in no position to make.

If everyone stayed homeā€¦we would all starve to death, blackouts, no emergencies, no medical care etc. That list could just go on and on.

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My comment is only about Trumpā€™s power and protection. If any building in the world, and any position, could be covid-proofed itā€™s the one currently occupied by D J Trump.

And his way of undermining all that cioud be a failure of intelligence.

What does that tell you about respiratory viruses?

You inserted yourself in a debate and you expect me to know what your arguement is when it was not what we were talking about.

How would that be trolling? Itā€™s taking an line of thought from one topic and applying it to another.

Trump is over the Kung Flu already? Damn, good on him.

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Nothing. My wife is on the Covid CWG at her med establishment. Theyā€™ve kept their building completely secure.