Is Harris The One?


No such person exists.

I think that Matt Gaetz is available.


Don’t start it please.

Oh yeah. Legalize weed Day 1.

I’ve got my VP.

diversity is not an end unto itself

someone should dare put on a bumper sticker

“diversity happens”

but thats not good enough for the race obsessed left and democrats


A Republican just that first plank would get a LOT of moderate Democratic votes.

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You are correct.

Look what we got in Clarence Thomas, a second rate jurist.


he was not chosen for diversity’s sake

but, along your lines of thinking, look at just about everyone in the CBC

way worse than second rate

If Thomas wasn’t chosen for diversity, I am having a real difficult time finding out why he was chosen. Dude is practically a mute.

:rofl: That’s rich.

do you think he was a bad choice then?

Yes :clown_face:

I like Clarence.

First rate in my book.

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He”ll be up there with joe story for sure.

Second rater for sure.


:rofl: Whatever.

even though i like Thomas, thank you for helping me confirm that hiring for diversity’s sake is not a good idea

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If she is it’s a huge mistake, she’s a box full of problems which is why she never gained any traction at all as a candidate.