Is Harris The One?

It won’t be Harris. Dems like to pull their puppets out from obscurity. If baby whale Stacey Abrams has a shed a few lbs, she has a better chance than Hustler Harris. Many voters might not recall her GA govenor hissy fit.

I’m not seeing where a failed gubernatorial candidate is going to help Biden’s chances no matter what her race is.

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In their minds she didn’t fail.

In her mind at least.

What does she bring to the ticket Biden doesn’t already have?

The main purpose of a VP candidate is to shore up weaker support from those who didn’t favor the candidate in the primary. I don’t see how she can do this.

She’s the correct gender and race. That seems to be the top selection criteria. They are going with the affirmative action method. A diversity hire.
She needs to be a female of color. Have you heard Biden asking for anything beyond that?

But she doesn’t bring any voters to the ticket or shore up the base with any voters Biden would not already likely have.

If anything he needs to find someone far to the right of the lunatic left to keep from losing the center.

Don’t forget too the key demographic he has to win or he has no chance at all are moderates and independents.

Right now all he has going for him is “Trump Fatigue” most of which is due to the lies the media has been running with for 3.5 years and pummeling him with daily.

The out of control violence spreading like a cancer right now is going to work in Trump’s favor, not Biden’s.

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It’s not Biden’s choice anyway. I don’t think it will be KH. The over zealous former prosecutor won’t get the Bernie Bros on board with the Brainless Biden Blunatics.

Either way it has to be someone who actually adds something of value to the ticket.

Biden has gone so far left he’s virtually doomed if it isn’t someone way to his right or he loses independents and so called moderates.

Right now “Trump Hate” is all they have and that won’t carry the day.

that and her witch vibe (and other words that rhyme) that can be picked up on the Richter scale.

after watching her play along with the spectacle of destroying the kavanaugh family with angry indignation, i can’t stand to even look at her

thats what the left calls “strong women” btw

The top criteria but the only one. Harris was a federal prosecutor. Blunts the law and order messages for trump
