Is Ginni Thomas a Threat to the Supreme Court?

You do know who this thread is about. … don’t you?

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What if he’s actually…transracial? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Well thats two…

Dems offer more free stuff. It’s that simple.

Don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.


Ahh I see…Minorities prefer free stuff over principles. :+1:

Not much diversity in all those smash and grab videos you see lately.

Just sayin…


It was a joke.

Hey guys, this poking the bear thing works.


Are they different than most other human beings? Giving things away for free is a well known marketing technique. It works for virtually all humans.

Are you saying minorities aren’t human?

Nice try…lol. You made a statement that can’t be backed up by reality. Dont run from it.

And another one…again, nice try…lol

How much did leftists freak out over the election of a veteran named Winsome Sears to high office in Virginia…

(She’s a black woman and a Republican gasp!)

No idea…This is the first time I’ve heard of her.

Now I’m gonna go with…What??

That’s 3…

Out of how many?

I don’t know if you can count any higher, shall we keep going? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Gotta get personal I see…good for you.

So we’re up to 3 out of 8,000 or so, keep going.

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You should get out more…she’s an awesome lady. Some analyst on MessNbcnn said something like “white ideas streaming from a black face” or some such thing.

By the way that senile old man you guys elected president is losing support among people of color. They recognize apparently as well that the left has fallen off a Cliff.

“As President Biden steers America toward possible global shooting wars with the Chinese and the Russians, tries to incite a second civil war here at home, and drives full steam into American economic collapse and energy shortages, he - with help from progressive Democrats and most mainstream media - is watching the broad-based center of the Democratic Party bleed away.

Recent polls showing Biden’s significantly slipping approval by Hispanics, Blacks and women should set off alarm bells. The hint that Hillary Clinton could come after Biden in 2024 with a “centrist” campaign should send the White House and Democratic Party political teams to the bomb shelter. A political collapse of this magnitude in the first year of an administration is unprecedented and should be worrisome to all Americans. Only Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) seem to have principles and spunk - combined with the political savvy to have run the numbers as quickly as the Clintons.

Polls among Black voters show sharp declines in support for Biden, from a high of 68 percent dropping to a recent low of 48 percent. Key issues are COVID-19, the economy, and jobs. Obviously, Biden is failing miserably on COVID (his advice: vax or else, use Google for help, and Blacks disproportionately resented the vaccine mandates); the economy, with inflation climbing 7 percent and destroying Black wage progress; and jobs, with Black unemployment dramatically higher than under Donald Trump’s growth policies. The reliable Black voter foundation of the Democratic Party finally may be eroding.”


…and I wasn’t getting personal. What I said was so obviously provable to be wrong, that it makes what I said null and void. I don’t normally attack someone’s weakness. I go for their strength and then…it’s usually funny and that’s good for us both. I knew you could count to 10. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: :+1:

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