Is China banking on Democrats selling out America

More Pinko media!

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The Trump Trolls here really are special. “Trade wars are good and easy to win” has now become “democrats will sell America out when the trade war goes on for years”.

It’s pathetic.

Would it surprise you to know a democrat has communicated that very thing to the Chicoms?

A Democrat has said they are going to sell out America? But no, a weak deal wouldn’t surprise me from Dems, wouldn’t surprise me from Trump either to end this and declare a victory.

The good 'ole days.

Read what his supporters here are saying and take a guess.

Why would they have to bank on anyone else? Trump is already selling out the American people.

Funny…I’ve been say this from very beginning…maybe rush been reading my posts.

But nice attempt in trying to insult me.


The time of the ‘‘viral Trump’’ is coming to an end.

As a short attention span nation, as with all things that go viral, Trump is at burn-out level. Other that die-hard supporters most have stopped even defending his outrageous statements.

There comes a time with viral phenomena that people just want it to go away. Even more so when it cost them money.

I don’t know of anyone that voted for Hillary that would vote for Trump, but simply looking at the polls, there are now a lot that voted for Trump that will vote for Biden.

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If everyone’s heads are exploding it still means libs heads are exploding.

I was not trying to insult you. Why would pointing out that you must listen to Rush be an insult?

Rush did do a ten minute monologue on this very subject today, including the bit about the Democrats being aligned with China in wanting Trump to fail.

If that didn’t inspire you to start this thread, chalk one up for coincidences.

What is the “this” to which you refer?

The quote function helps a lot. Please use it.

Another excellent example of Trumpster logic on full display!

Weatherman: “Clouds are blowing in from the west - May be a chance of tornadoes”

Trumpsters: “See!!! Liberal media is practically begging for tornadoes to destroy America in their hatred of Trump!!!


What is pathetic are domestic political operatives who work in concert with China’s ruthless Communist government, by sewing the seeds to obstruct a president who, unlike his Global Governance predecessors, is working toward an America first policy, and stopping China from sucking America’s wealth and technology as a vampire sucks the blood of its victims.


They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese

It was forum libs that inspired me…I’ve talked about it months ago. Hell maybe a year ago.

And since then libs love affair with China only has grown.

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You’re quite the broadbrusher, I’m afraid.

“Libs” know Trump’s trade war is hurting us, just as many Republicans such as myself know, too.

As I posted earlier in this thread, if Trump had wanted to get more advantageous trading terms with China it would have made sense to talk to them, diplomatically, while getting our businesses to source out their needs to other countries.

Instead he dumps them - and by extension us - right in the soup.

How is this trade war going to end, Conan? Do you think China will cave?


At the start of the trade war I said that we will be lucky to get back to zero.

What is going on now was completely predictable.


When is a good time to take on China? Personally it should have been 14 years ago when I first brought this up.

But libs ridiculed it back then…and even lot of republicans too.

American economy is strong, that’s the time to make our move.

If not now when? We tried to get your Messiah Obama to take on China.

Tried to get Bush to take on China…but he was more interested in his war on terror and rebuilding Iraq.

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Trade. Wars. Are. Good. And. Easy. To . Win.

no trade obstruction, no trade collusion.

Would it surprise you?