Is China banking on Democrats selling out America

I guess China can attempt to buy off the Dems. The Chinese realize the Republicans have already been bought by the Russians.

Moscow Mitch!

Trump sounds like a union guy.

Libs should be cheering him…but they thrown American worker under the bus long time ago.


The President doesn’t have an end game. He has no strategy. He has no direction.

Why cheer that?

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If a prominent democrat said they plan to “sell out america”, it still wouldn’t be surprising but i’m skeptical.

Because Trump is cool. Cheer.

How about 1 country at a timec instead of starting a trade war with the whole world. As trump would say not smart

And what was libs strategy? Roll over for em because American deserves it for American colonialism?

As soon as i read the thread title…i knew it would be conan :slight_smile:

Trump is cool…

Build a coalition trading bloc that wasn’t perfect, but the rules of which were dictated and controlled by the US to our overall favor.

The farmers who are now suffering would have done quite well under TPP.

But even if one doesn’t like TPP, killing it without a plan to immediately put into place was incompetence at its greatest height.

What you are rewarding is sheer incompetence.

But it hurts the libs… so it is allowed.

TPP was not what you thought it was.

It is exactly what I think it is.

It was in no way perfect. I didn’t like the really onerous intellectual property provisions in it. It was akin to establishing a super regional DMCA… but more restrictive.

But… nothing is perfect.

What it did do was close off China to controlling Pacific Rim trade.

It even if one wants to kill it… doing so without a plan ready to put into place is incompetence.

So… the President is incompetent.


I’m pretty sure that she doesn’t care about the Democraps any more

The TPP was a check on China. Trump trashed it because he had no idea what it was. Obama bad was all that mattered to him.


I was responding directly to the OP.

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Yes or no.

Simple question.

The analogy goes further than that. In both cases, people who opposed the war and people who opposed Trump say:

Wow, this is self-evidently idiotic and destructive and based on lies. Don’t do it.

Wingnuts say: Hahahaha! ■■■■ you libs! 'Murica! This is AWESOME! And if you disagree, you’re traitors!

<Wingnut choice blows up in everyone’s faces>

Wingnuts point at liberals and say: Your fault!

Just watch: In the 2028 election, some GOP wing nut ■■■■■■■ will get the Republican nomination by blaming Trump on . . . liberals! :slight_smile:


Nonsense. Donald Trump is going to win the 2028 Republican nomination on his record.


And of course, when the trade war is over and trump is out of office: “i never supported it and wasnt a fan of trump!”

This. Over and over again.

Let’s work to make sure that they don’t pull this cowardly, lying ■■■■■■■■ rebrand off again. No funny hats. No "I’m a constitutional conservative and an independent and I never supported that liberal Trump!" They gotta own this toxic flaming ■■■■ indefinitely.

But God knows Chuck Todd and NPR and the rest of my LIBERAL MEDIA ain’t gonna help us much, that’s for sure. They all ■■■■ the bed last time.