Is Biden dishonest or just stupid

Re the OP: who says he can’t be both?

Addressing the OP’s topic question: dishonesty and stupidity are not mutually exclusive.

Interesting opinion.

That’s what we said in 1993. We naively believed in the Constitution.

Have you been reading what your kin are saying?

Not sure.
What are you referring to?

FTR, I am not a gun owner…so I do not think they are my kin or kind.

Calling on common sense gun laws is not banning guns.

A neighbor here in jersey has one. And jersey has common sense gun laws.


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Trump had nothing to do with losing? Comical.

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You have those Berkeley libs who said they were preparing for the coming societal collapse…and who do they fear?

It’s not the goverment they fear now is it?

Nearly 30 million back grounds checks were done last year…about 4 out of ten where first time gun buyers.

So why are they buying guns? Who do they fear? Blacks? Conservatives?

Something to chew on.

Looks like that data is form Jan of this year.

Don’t gun sales always go up, after a Democrat is elected as POTUS, due to the fear of banning guns?

And if that is the case, are those liberals buying guns?

I understand what you mean, but this court is much more friendly to gun rights. I remain confident in my prediction that gun rights are secure for another generation.

Remains to be seen. Shouldn’t be a question of “friendly to gun rights”.

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Well yes, that is the nature of predictions

Your jibe is a non sequitur. That big tech, the MSM and the deep state along with unconstitutional election rule changes by officials outside of legislatures handed Biden the presidency, does not imply that Trump had no effect on the election result. Obviously, had he not stood, he could not have lost.

I’m labeled as a lib here. I firmly believe in the 2nd amendment. I’ve shot many firearms and own one myself. However, I do not have an issue with common sense gun reforms. If you are buying a weapon of war, waiting 3 days so a REAL background check can be done is not infringing on your right to bear arms.

One of these is wrong


Incorrect, useless and wrong. The BGC is the same. And actually BGC is not the right term. It’s a criminal history check.

That post is a sheep in wolf’s clothing.

Oh and :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::point_up:t5::point_up:t5::point_up:t5::point_up:t5::point_up:t5::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You should have been required to wait 3 days and gone through a background check before being allowed to say that. Maybe while you had the time to think about it, you would have realized how stupid it was. :wink:

Or maybe, the government would have decided that you shouldn’t be allowed to speak at all.


Neither is wrong. There are firearms that require extra scrutiny just because of the damage they are capable of doing.

BS… if you need an automatic rifle to hunt bambi you need a new hobby. You can still walk out with a firearm. Your rights have not been infringed.