Is Biden a pathological liar just really stooopid

No rain storms to come in out of.

I’m just laughing at biden, like I said I would all along.

He’s old and white too.

The oldest and whitest ever.

There was no rain.

Just biden’s addled old white brain.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with nonoxynol-9. It’s something they put on condoms. Not only is it a spermicide, but it also kill the AIDS virus. But large doses will kill a person. This is the same thing.

Inject disinfectants. The method of introducing the light was more, uh, vague.

To be fair, 74 IS pretty old.

Usually when Trump says stuff like this , his apologists just accuse everyone of not having a sense of humor.

the cult of trump is grasping at straws

they know in their hearts their cult leader is a moron but they have so much emotionally invested in him they have become nothing more than lap dogs

Sense of humor? Yeah … the little girls and boys giggle when rubbing Joe’s hairy legs… doncha know.

Not True. Show me a quote where Trump suggested injecting disinfectant. Hint: A question is not a suggestion.

Big different?

Yes, yes it is.


he may indeed be lying; however, that would require his remembering the truth and falsifying it…

I don’t think he has that mental capacity

He’s a liar


democrats dont mind liars

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So many it’s hard to ignore.

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Yet, here we all are…listening to the excuses and denials and watching it get ignored.

This isn’t an old age thing. He’s been lying his whole career to make himself appear better than he actually is, then ad plagiarism on top.

The original lie where he stated he graduated almost at the top of his class and was incredibly smart with a high IQ.

Come to find out he was in the bottom 1/3 of his class and we now know him to be a certified idiot that licks windows and sniffs children.


Exactly, he’s been doing it for years.

The correct answer is both.

He is a pathelogical liar who is facing the struggles of dementia.

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