Is anyone surprised he’s a Republican?

Yet another false statement about me. It’s not everybody. It’s a ton.

And I love living in the south. Lots of great people and major advantages.

I cant imagine

Did Obama have a turban?

Oh… wait…


Nope. He eats jeans and drinks beer.

Wears Jeans and drinks beer

Just imagine golf almost year round and lots of beaches.

Sounds Presidential

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priorities are always of interest.

Some might feel that living immersed in hatred, racism, Christian hypocrisy, and misogyny is too high of a price to pay for a few extra sunny days at the golf course. But then others… well they might be willing to immerse themselves in that dirt for a few more nice days on the golf course.


Where do you live? I’d like to look up the problems you guys have. Or for that matter, where everyone lives that posts here (and why they don’t move).

You don’t prefer not to associate with racists?

Whenever someone tries to meet me I shush them and hand them a card that says, “Are you a racist?”

It’s safer that way.

So you avoid people who don’t think like you on that subject? Isn’t that what you were criticizing Caught for? You’re not making sense.

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Wrong on the first count.

On your second, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Actually I think you have no idea what you are talking about either.

Everyone agrees that nothing was properly marked as classified when Hillary sent or received it. And everything that was later deemed to be classified in the opinion of some was under dispute as to whether or not it was over classification run amok at the time.

If you know anything about classified information then you know that classifications can be upgraded and downgraded. Information that is not classified at one time can later be deemed classified and upgraded in the light of additional information that comes out or other changes to things on which the information has relevance.

I know you desperately want to paint a picture of Hillary directly telling the Russians some top secret information like your personal Security Clearance hero Donald did in the Oval Office, but it just ain’t true Ish.

If you’re really worried about protecting our’s and our allies secrets, you elected the wrong person.

[quote=“CaughtInTheMiddle, post:93, topic:958, full:true”]

Where do you live? I’d like to look up the problems you guys have. Or for that matter, where everyone lives that posts here (and why they don’t move).

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you know what i think really gets under some people’s skin? it’s that i know a group of people and all their tricks and have the audacity to talk about it. that’s like breaking a code or something.

if i went over to the Storm place (where the real racists hang out) and started describing them to them they’d go ballistic.

I’ve only known a few racists personally, a great aunt and a couple of uncles. One is from the North, two from the South.


I like it.

there are actually many degrees of racism (just like anything else).

Yeah, Auntie Al was one of those casual, old timey racists. I didn’t even know about it until after she died and my dad told me some stories.

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I don’t attract them. So I don’t need to avoid them.

My shadow is not a racist hater that needs animation through encounters with others.