Ireland repeals strict abortion rules in what appears to be a rout

It does cost money to transport a kidney, you think that person driving is working for free?

It’s sad because you really do believe that garbage.

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And good executives always argue to be charged more.

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You think that people who deliver packages for a living are not being paid? they are working for free?

You think responsible executives really argue to be charged more for services that the opposite end of the transaction are already paying for?

It is to laugh.

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woooooooooooooooooooo go dead babies

btw, it wasn’t “transportation” costs that they were claiming, CJ. Next time you run cover for baby killers, you ought to check with them first and coordinate your stories.

Rudy’s gonna be jealous.

again watch the full unedited tape the one they were forced to release.
which is why none of the investigation into PP found any wrong doing.

I’ve watched them.

Here’s one of the unedited videos. Show me what’s edited to change the context? Be specific, please. The whole video is right there, so you can give timestamps for the part that changes the context.


They skirted the law by charging “shipping and handling” the same way late night tv sales people sell you all those awesome products for only 9.99. :))

Legal and moral are two different things.

Some people think chopping babies up and giving the parts away for a low $75 shipping and handling is gross and immoral. Other’s hide behind the law to avoid the question.

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Did you really miss all the details of that “undercover” video when it happened?

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What percentage of abortions are those here in the land of unrestricted child killing? Yeah… that’s not what it’s about. That’s just the excuse.

Good for Ireland.

The Church doesn’t have the muscle that it used to over there. They raped too many children, plus all the dead kids they found didn’t help.

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68% of Irish voters voted for dead babies or freedom for the right to choose.

I choose the latter


Are deformed and rape babies the rule or the exception when discussing abortion?


I should have read one more post.

What context can you possibly put that in that makes it acceptable?

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That’s not hyperbole.

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The fact that their not talking about selling baby parts.

Sure they were.

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