Iran who is to blame?

Thanks. Appreciated.

There it is.

With international backing instead of a piecemeal system where no one knows what the hell is going on.

Sure literally they didnt say it. I mean if that’s the way you want to go…the literal game ok…it gets boring fast.

No worries…I have no other protecting in their own self interest. They want to protect themselves like a 2nd amendment guy wants to protect his family…

It’s a damned if you do…damned if you dont.

Literal is pretty important when it comes to nuclear weapons and threats of invasion.

Yup, it certainly is.

Eh…they literally arent saying it but are literally moving towards that…

I have no clue what we should have or could do, my beliefs on foreign intervention is generally to stay out. That being said I can’t think of to many more terrifying scenarios than Iran with a bomb, because after that comes Saudi Arabia with a bomb.

And yep I could have predicted it because the Shia’s hate the Sunni’s and vice versa. If you watched the drama unfold that was Isis who was the groups they killed first. The Shia’s and the Yazidi’s. I am unsure on how long the SA Israel alliance will last but can only hope for the best.

I remember watching and interview with a Jew talking about the lessons of the Holocaust and the thing he said was the one thing was when someone tells you they are going to wipe you out listen to them. The Iranians start their parliament with Death To America… Death to Israel…

But remember all of Saddam Hussein’s bragging about wmd’s was just bluster.

Israel has established Mutually Assured destruction which is a deterrant.

Took a day.

Did you expect Bibi’s government to have a different position on the issue?

Sadly, we can trace this back to the correspondence dinner where Obama humiliated him. He’s had a scorched Earth policy ever since that day regarding anything Obama.

I blame Iran. They never intended to not build a nuclear weapon. Under the Obama agreement, their plan was to build it on a military designated place, that would not be subject to an inspection, while at the same time, enjoying all the benefits provided by those who were suckered into believing them. Nothing is happening now, that wasn’t happening before…except…Iran is not receiving the benefits while building their nuclear weapon.

Do you have any evidence for this belief? All the intelligence reports disagree with you so i wonder what your particular font of knowledge is.

As a Trumpkin you are free to believe that. But in the real world he tore up to spite Obama. As other signatories acknowledged.




Trump reads his briefing papers.

He reads the briefing papers of the people he trusts to tell him about the most important things he wants to hear…what will make his base roar with pleasure.

So he listened to the briefs he gets from the CEC because of course opinion pundits and Trump voters are more experienced than people who have been watching the Middle East for decades.

If…you can’t inspect to confirm what Iran claims is the truth…the ONLY reason is because they are lying.

Iran is to blame… But if Obama had made a deal worthy of a treaty, it would still be in place.


Iran followed all the rules before we broke off from the agreement, but that wasn’t enough for us so we threw a temper tantrum.

Yeah…I know. That’s why inspections of designated military areas were off limits…amirite? Iran proves that PT Barnum was right. :sunglasses:

We can inspect…why this lie keeps getting repeated over and over I don’t know…although I have my suspicions…mainly that the media who perpetuate this lie rely on the fact that they will be believed and that those that listen to them will not bother…or not know how…to check the veracity of their claims.