Iran who is to blame?

You’re just making ■■■■ up buddy.

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Iran’s nuclear program under the treaty was right up there with Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program.

If you were right, why isn’t Iran closer to a bomb, now that they have stopped observing the treaty?
Where’s all the progress they were making in secret?

Right up their with Saddam Hussein’s wmds of course… another excuse for John Bolton and the chickenhawks to waste thousands of American lives and who knows how many Iranians

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And we already know that the removed ambassador had exactly the same opinions on everything Trump that the worst Trump haters in this forum have. Odd that he is the one who has all his hate Trump memos released to the public, isn’t it.
Of course, Democrats take no exception to this major interference in our electoral process.

He had them leaked? It cost him his job.

But hey conspiracies are a Trumpkin staple.

Reality confirms what people have been saying about Trump.

  1. Unlike the Russian conspiracy theory, leaking information is not a conspiracy unless more than one person is involved, so your statement is nonsense.
  2. There is no indication that this person had any more access to information about Trumps motives than the haters in this forum.
  3. If he didn’t leak himself, then his passing these memos all over the place was the recklessness that caused the leak.
  4. Why aren’t Dems decrying a representative of a foreign government getting this involved in our politics, whether the ex ambassador or someone he gave the memos to?

Wow you really are not that bright to think you need multiple people to have a conspiracy theory.

Be sure to tell Scotland Yard your theories about the leaker as they are investigating.

Yeah. One of is not too bright.

Definition of conspiracy theory

a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators

conspiracy theory

[ kuhn-spir-uh-see theer-ee ]


a theory that rejects the standard explanation for an event and instead credits a covert group or organization with carrying out a secret plot: One popular conspiracy theory accuses environmentalists of sabotage in last year’s mine collapse.

a belief that a particular unexplained event was caused by such a covert group: A number of conspiracy theories have already emerged, purporting to explain last week’s disappearance of a commercial flight over international waters.

the idea that many important political events or economic and social trends are the products of deceptive plots that are largely unknown to the general public: The more I learn about the activities of intelligence agencies, the less far-fetched I find many geopolitical conspiracy theories.

Yet Trumpkins believed in conspiracies like Obama was a secret Muslim which did not have a whole cadre of people needed to just one man’s religion.

By the way skippy it is being reported that it was someone with access to historical files that downloaded them and then shared them. Not the ambassador.

You admit this is pure speculation unsupported by facts, right?

YEAH and that happened under Obama’s Administration and under Hilly as SOS. I don’t get your point since Trump is doing the exact opposite of what Obama did in the region. GWB allowed Qaddafi to stay in power after he gave up his nukes, but Barack & Hilly wouldn’t allow it, they got an Ambassador killed and Gaddafi overthrown, I remember Hilly making jokes about it so if their is a collective brain and memory in the Ayatollah regime “experience” would tell them they have a better chance with a Republican in office rather then a Democrat.

I spoke very loudly against the Iraq war during the Bush Administration and still do. We stick our noses into situations and places we have no place being. If you think the same way, we are on the same page regarding this?

“If the IAEA has concerns that Iran is conducting illicit nuclear activities at sites outside of the declared facilities, inspectors must first present Iran with their concerns and ask for clarifications,” Davenport said.

“If Tehran is unable to provide explanations that address the IAEA’s concerns, inspectors can request access to any location, including military sites. Within a 24-day period, Iran must provide the necessary access.”

“The Americans will take their dream of visiting our military and sensitive sites to their graves… It will never happen,” Ali Akbar Velayati, a top adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s highest authority, said in 2017.

If you are right, why was Iran willing to negotiate with Obama but when Trump cancelled the deal and called for Iran to come back to the table and negotiate a better deal they said no and resumed their nuclear program.

There seems to be a gap between your notions and reality.

What language was this spoken in. You are providing an English quote. Is this a translation or a quote given in English. One of the first rules of Middle Eastern politics is that anything said in English should not be taken seriously… its only the Arabic statements that count.

Without the context in which this was said, it is impossible to interpret. Remember, Saddam Hussein talked up his WMD program – it was all bluster to influence his regional enemies.

A 24 hour notice period is common amongst all nations subject to IAEA inspections…including us.

We don’t let international agencies inspect our military facilities without assuring any sensitive information can be kept secure either.

A 24 hour notice period would not provide Iran enough time to hide any illicit activities because of physics.

You would know all this if you didn’t automatically assume the sources you listen to and read are telling you the truth.

I provided the link, “said in 2017”

this was in “days”.

Amazing it to so long for this to be understood. He’s tried to undo everything the muslim did, lol.