Interesting Portents of Shifting Alliances - Hispanicos & Black Nation

Órale :call_me_hand:


I wonder how they fall with someone other than Trump? Is he their favorite?

Most are still voting Biden ; but in comparison he won the Latino vote by 33% in 2020, i believe

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: My side!


Free speech is kryptonite.

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Libs don’t like anyone or anything to challenge there supremacy.

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Uh oh

How Hispanic voters’ growing political power in Nevada could offer hope to the GOP


What have you got to lose?

Great article. Lot of good anecdotes.

The fact that low-income and working-class Black and Latino Americans saw their wealth increase during these years did not, by any stretch of the imagination, vault them into the upper class. The median low-income Black household, for example, was able to cut debt by about $6,000 — an improvement, but one that left them still in debt and with a negative net worth. The median low-income Latino household, meanwhile, was able to cut debt by about $1,000 and get itself out of debt. But even that growth meant achieving a net worth of zero.

The drag of the black nation… sad.

Hispanic support for Trump raises red flag for Biden

Even the brits…

Add in the under 35s

Trump leads Biden among Hispanic, young voters: poll


How’d all those polls work out for Republicans in the only polling that matters from a few weeks ago?


Keep on polling, babes!

brandon counting on you

Oh yeah! Let’s do Godwin’s Law!


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This is a solid take:

Democratic activists have made a mistake in encouraging Latinos to see themselves as “brown people who are oppressed in the United States, who live in this dystopian hellhole” and suffer nonstop discrimination. “That’s not the way Hispanics—working-class people particularly—think about the world. They think about, ‘I’m here to get ahead in life. I’m here to make a good life for my family. I want communities with safe streets and plenty of opportunity. I’m an American."

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Go Mrs. 2nd Lady!


Hispanics resent what OBiden has done to encourage the illegal invasion horde. They also reject the notion that Dimbulbcrats take the Hispanic vote for granted just as the Dims have done with the black vote for decades.

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She’s certainly an arrogant piece of crap!

My kids would pull a grandchild of mine out of this school immediately!