Interesting Portents of Shifting Alliances - Hispanicos & Black Nation


I don’t have an answer, but I’m guessing you do.

Of course I do, done a lot of studying on it. Perhaps until you do have an answer, you should refrain from making definitive statements in regards?

Enlighten us.

I made no statement regarding where culture begins, but thanks for your concern about my posts.

You feeeeel a shared language might be a good start?

Why are you asking me? You’re the expert, apparently. Is language where culture starts?

Have a nice day.

Why so reticent to share your expertise? What point are you trying to make about language? Try just stating it plainly instead of quizzing and insulting me.

Oh yeah! Do that!


Fight! Fight!

Do you think it may be starting to sink in that this is what they voted for?

What could they do? Republicans wanted them back in chains.

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No. Marxism never admits it was wrong.

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Stop! My side.


“The gaffes over the past two days come a week after he suggested African American and Hispanic employees lack “high school diplomas.”

I don’t care, poor kids are as smart as white children.


Imagine if a republican said that.

Let 'em in! :rofl:

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Keep importin’ them!