Insurrection! Sedition! Oh My!

It’s a good one, but not larger.

Yes, Trump et al were guilty of Magical Mythology and alchemy as well.

No, white Supremacist define white supremacy.

Chastise all you want, but you know I’m right.

Pretty simple. Anybody involved in violence should charged.

Chastise? I agreed with you.

Ridiculoso. Not good violence.

You said this, not me.

I absolutely did. Me and Marcuse (among others).

No you didn’t. If you did you wouldn’t have used the Magical Mythology stuff. Say what you mean and quit being obtruse.

And they, the real white supremacist, can hold their rallies in a high school stadium out of the whole country.

Meanwhile those on the Left endlessly invents more things that offend them and call it white supremacy. The definitions y’all use are self serving. It’s sad because really only a few people can actually make a living off of keeping others feeling unhappy and oppressed (they may seem everywhere in academia for instance but their numbers are really small when it comes to those who can actually make a living doing it, for the rest it’s now a self inflicted injury with absolutely no upside).

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It’s not obtuse and I do mean it.

I don’t recall any right wingers rioting in the streets and targeting private property over the last few years, especially with the protection of the local government. No businesses burned down. No looting. No angry white Republicans “helping” while wearing black masks and hoodies.

Those sneaky Shriners and Rotarians pretending to be radical Leftists all this time!


I think you mean chartreuse.

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Simma down. It’s not a narrative. It’s a news story. Are your sources covering it?

I disagree with the headline. I don’t think the cops were “forced to retreat.” In an actual confrontation, I’m pretty sure the cops would come out on top. They retreated because they are not allowed to do anything else but retreat.


Simma down…it’s everywhere the imaginings of suppression by the media is just that imaginings

Like 2 weeks ago? The Myth has been busted.

What’s the title of this thread:

What does the article say?

Yeah narrative

No it has not

Sacramento too. Traitors!