Inequality cannot be "Fixed"

This is where this discussion runs into road bumps. How is slavery’s abolition intrusive government? How is its existence not-government? The Confederates loved thinking that. Libertarians whime that slavery wouldn’t exist without government enforcement. But the distinction is nonsense.

How do you square that up with people who work 2+ jobs, and are still in poverty?

It literally took an amendment to the constitution- the very definition of government “intrusion”.


Inequality is always going to be with us

Until there is a pill that can fix stupid, there will always be inequality, give someone a fish you feed them for a day, teach them to fish you help feed them for life.

I don’t think race, sex or whatever plays that much of role in our society…but the problem I see is certain people need that division to maintain their political, monetary and social power which prevent being challenged in near future.

That’s what I see.

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Libertarians say that slavery is intrusive government because it requires government to enforce it and sanction it.

Trite platitudes.

Everyone here needs to read Robert Hale.

True- but government is key for protecting people who can be abused by inequality. Like I said- from abolishing slavery to ensuring the right to vote for minorities and women, our goal should be to make sure inequality is addressed.

Growing up in rural area with dying of small family farms, I’ve learn that more I learn the more I’m worth.

You know what’s more important then race or sex…green. The color of money.

In the end that’s what all this is about.

I challenge you to show some intellectual curiosity, and read the entire article.

"First, we must agree that racism has nothing to do with “belief,” intent or animosity. It is the result of actions and policies that create and perpetuate racism. The grand delusion that one can only be racist if there is hate in one’s heart is the biggest myth of white supremacy and one of the largest reasons it still exists.

The reason poor black children are more likely to attend underfunded schoolsis the result of the legacy of segregation, redlining and government policy. Black people convicted of the same crimes as whites receive longer sentencespartly because of resource allocation disparities in legal representation. Implicit biases and lack of training are part of the reason black men are three times more likely to be killed by police.

Black children born to wealthy black parents have a lower chance at economic success than white children born to poor parents. Black students are punished more harshly than white students who commit the same offenses. Black workers with the same education and experience are paid less.

This. Is. Racism."


my comment has more value then the fake news you support.

Yeah that’s a pretty roundabout argument. The proof is in our own constitution which was amended to abolish slavery. But I see your point.

I stop ready right after your insult.

Have a good day.

What about protecting peoples votes?

I don’t watch news. I read blog posts, essays published in legal journals, philosophical papers, excerpts of philisophical treatises, and internet forums.

Whoa you sound like a Bernie supporter. I actually do think that racial/gender inequality is overemphasized and economic inequality is under-emphasized. But both are important to address.

And Reddit.

And the comments section on web articles. It’s a shame news websites are getting rid of those. I love reading the arguments between people who are opposed in their views and seeing the bafflement that each sides’ views cause the other.

They want us to be divided amount race and sex.

That’s there ticket to maintain their political and economic structure.

Sorry but you’re taking it hook, line and sinker.

Stop…remain focus on end game.

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