Inequality cannot be "Fixed"

Agreed. It’s institutional racism. Add to that the insanely disproportionate amount of blacks and minorities in prison and you have some pretty classic examples of the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow. Just because we don’t live in the 19th century doesn’t mean it’s tentacles don’t reach down to the present day.

Challenging you to read something you would not seek out is an insult?


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I challenge you to show some intellectual curiosity.

That point needs become a bright disc. This is important. Libs tell me that corporations wouldn’t exist without government passing laws that create their legal personality and shield them from liability. Anti-capitalists say the same thing about property. Both of them are right and wrong in the same respects on their respective claims (instead of one side being right about topic A and wrong about topic B with the other side being wrong about topic A and right about topic B).

(“Libs” here refers to libertarians.)

Good to know others don’t watch it.

Who are “they”?

Some other modern examples of government intrusion I love include maternity leave, abolishing pre-existing condition spikes in insurance costs, housing and vocational anti- discrimination laws and mental health parity laws.

Without sex and racial inequality being addressed, some of these would never been passed.

I do everyday I post here.

Come on man…challenge yourself.

Or do you truly believe you already have all the answers?

You’re waste of my time…take snobbish rubbish elsewhere.


I am a snob, because I challenge you to read something that differs from your world view?

Just so you know, this snob grew up in a lower middle class area, whose neither parents had a HS diploma, who worked their butts off to give me and my siblings a decent life. I stepped in crap as a teen (nothing serious), dropped out of high school, and started working. I eventually did get my GED, took some college classes, and was able to straighten the ship by working my butt off, and have been able to do fairly well.

Why is being intellectually curious, snobbish? That is how I know what know…I challenge myself to look for opposing viewpoints. I ■■■■■■■ hate an echo chamber.

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You do not see the insult of your comment?

I challenge you to show some intellectual curiosity

Now challenge yourself with that for a moment.

Poor and rich are outcomes. Are there “poor” people in Kennebunkport?

My intention was not an insult. It was meant as a challenge. I would be open to you submitting a piece for me to read, to challenge my intellectual curiosity.

I concede, the way I put it, could imply you may not have intellectual curiosity.
So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, my apologies.

How are you determining “less”.

No, they were born into their parents’ outcomes, as are we all.

And that’s where we part ways. Who created those inequities? Government.

What is your sense based on?

Name 3 that the problem wasn’t caused by the government in the first place.

You make the most interesting posts.

Good Lord. You’re making my American hurt.

Yes government created inequities from the beginning- (3/5ths law for example). Luckily the Constitution gave us the process to right those inequities. Or are you not a fan of the Constitution?

for the people, of the people, by the people…