India has decriminalized homosexuality

You guys had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the party. Heck plenty still are trying to find ways to discriminate. If it wasnt for secular law and liberals you guys would be no different than muslim majority countries.

There are no Muslims in India? They’re about 14% of the population in that country.

They’re O K with male male sex now that India has decriminalized same sex relationships?

Or any other religious group is?

I don’t think so.

Since people bothered to mention Hinduism and Islam in this thread, one must wonder…which “religion” became more open to the concept of same sex relations being tolerable if not acceptable? Or are any ancient religions able to evolve away from what their tenets were originally believed to be?

There are still many Christians who have no tolerance for gays. Makes sense, the bible is pretty unfriendly towards same sex (mostly guy/guy). Good thing Jesus came along to do away with those pesky penalties (death in the OT) though, at least that seems less barbaric.

Why did you leave out the most significant part of my post that said it should be legal? Was it your intention to violate the TOS by changing the meaning of my post?

Yep. Welcome to SuperAIDS.

You are not inclined to be saying complimentary things about me. That is clear from the previous posts.
So I assume that deep within your mind, the most disgusting accusation you could make is that I’m a homosexer.

Typical lib. Your true colors are showing.

It’s funny to see posts like that and then simultaneously other posts whining about how it’s racist to call racist people racist.

This dude’s over here with a Medieval view of homosexuality but tender little conservatives can’t handle being called out.

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Awesome! Now they just need to:

  • work on their issue with rape and sexual assault (the elephant in the room)

  • work on legalizing gay marriage

Wasn’t it proved after the 80’s that homosexuality is not the only risk to catching the virus? Wouldn’t heterosexuality be more likely, considering there’s more contact with body fluids, and it is more common in the world?

Am I missing something? …

It’s not the only way, it’s the predominant way in the US.

Being homosexual should not be illegal anywhere.

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You’re feeding him.

like you care.

You are missing the data collected by the CDC.

Teaching safe sex is the cure to reducing aid, look at Africa.

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Unprotected anal sex is the most likely mode of transmission. By sheer weight of numbers, vaginal sex is the most rapidly increasing form of transmission, and HIV is blowing up in Siberia because prostitutes are having unprotected sex and the Russian government refuses to acknowledge there’s a problem (this is also true in Africa but most people are aware that it’s prevalent in Africa).

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Good old Catholic Church ■■■■■■ over Africa hard with AIDs.

I’d figure that’s one of the ways…I saw something a few years ago on Science Daily that they had found a cure to a similar virus found in monkeys. I’ll post here if I can find it.

I think it has to do with blood contact with an infected person. Anal sex is more like to result in tearing which causes bleeding.

I’m not 100% sure but that’s my educated guess

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Makes sense, because the virus is transferred through the blood stream (as all of them are- obviously), and T4 cells reside there. I should have been able to see something this obvious. Heh heh.