In honor of memorial day. One of th e best national anthem moments ever

No there is not just like there is nothing wrong with not holding the flag in reverence as if it is a sacred object.

Someone who loves the flag is no more patriotic than someone who while they understand what the flag stands for do not “love” it.

Still do not understand your original comments my brother. Put some more into where you are coming from. I want to understand.

Did anyone spend a few minutes in remembrance honoring our fallen service members at 3PM local time today?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t care

0 voters

It’s not about weeping, it’s about respect!

Patriotism has nothing to do with the flag. Yes the flag is a symbol and with the country the size of the united states its An object everyone call rally around. Americans are not one single but an amalgamation of multiple cultures. Americans living in NY are culturally different to Americans living in Texas and likewise Texans are culturally different from Americans living in Indiana.

There is no reason why anyone should go out of their way to be disrespectful of the flag but neither should any American be forced to revere the flag.

I respect the sacrifices made by men and woman throughout the years to keep this country safe but I feel no need to do it overtly.

I do not care for the deification of the military and putting them on a pedestal. Not everyone serving in uniform is a hero. Putting on a uniform is not an act of valor.

The way I hear some on this forum talk about the military you would think in their downtime they all studied the bible and the constitution. There is a reason why strip clubs, bars, drugs spring up wherever the military go.

I also dont care for cliched sound bites such as “freedom isnt free”. If anything it demeans what the military does and reduces it down into a trite catch phrase. Plus many times those that are spouting it have never served.

But yes for those who are deployed into war zones, those that go into battle either overtly or covertly I have a special kind of respect.

Not sure if this makes sense, its hot and I have been drinking.


It’s not even rated on that. It’s rated on whether or not this particular video of someone’s reaction to the anthem caused you to choke up.

Do keep up. :us:

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Do you know these soldiers?

All of them. Especially the first two.


Seems the RNC has no problem doing so. …

You did not answer me, Brother. I do not play follow the leader. And you should not post fund raiser information in this forum.

You sir, have intentionally cheapened Memorial Day for me. It was a special day to reflect in friends I lost and now it becomes a political handwringer vendetta against fallen heros.

No ■■■■■■■ respect.

I answered already…The OP made it political 2nd-3rd post in. I was responding to that.

I am not sure you answered my concerns in a satisfactory manner. Read what I said. Perhaps I am taking it to sensitive because I am a military veteran. I am unhappy with the political sniping that went on. Will be glad to discuss this with you and other political hay making folks regarding our Flag, military, gold star families and my love for America. Peace be with you, Brother.


Say what

Good because no one did that in this thread.

Literally no one is doing this.

When I look at our flag I see it as representing our people, not the government. When I sing the anthem it’s also about the people, not the government. Maybe that’s the difference between us, you see the flag, and you see it as representing the state, i.e. government.

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Was that to me? Even if it wasnt I am enjoying this discussion.

I was stationed in a base in SC, no strip club near the base. Stationed in CA, same thing, stationed in Hawaii, same. Just because there is a military base does not mean they have strip clubs nearby.

My 22 years in the military we were paid in broke assed poverty level wages, not much money to be made off of that. The civilians were paid more, and few were ever employed where they were regularly drug tested. So your stereotype doesn’t fit.

I’m sure there are some huge military bases like Fort Bragg, where they had over 200,000 18-22 year old men and women, which would draw the strip clubs in, but so would a town filled with 200,000 civilians, and so would a large college like Ohio state.

Exactly my point. The military is a microcosm of society.

They are no better nor any worse than anyone else. There is a mixture of all types, good, bad etc just like in the rest of society.

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We understand. I stand and salute it whenever I hear it. It’s wonderful.