Impeachment Bump? Turley Was Right-Opinion Piece

I love one-upping Sneaky. Don’t you?

OK, so you’re offended that I’m not taking you seriously. I already explained why, and you’re still complaining about me. Move on. Believe in your polls, especially when it’s coming from Fox News. That last election was just a glitch. Everything will be back to normal in no time. lol

I love one-upping TM, don’t you?

What actions?

That post is problematic.

i guess i nailed it

Clueless in Seattle.

As is that one.

OK. But none of us believe that.

Wait, I’m sorry. You don’t even believe it.

you have not offered any other reason why you justify impeachment there is no wrongdoing or “high crime” or “misdemeanor” or “bribery” (even though there were “mountains of evidence)

pelosi, schiff both said it must be bipartisan. it is far from it, and in fact causing people to switch to Rep

so, how do you justify impeachment?

None of whom?

I don’t argue with females. Good night. You’re dismissed.

I don’t think even you think it is not justified. Look deep in your heart.

man. someone was in a troll mood tonight. geesh

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I thank you all for this discussion. But now I cook dinner for my wife and I. Then there’s Monday Night football. Rooting for the Saints. Catch all my Hannity friends the flip side.

i guess i dont get an answer to my question

go ahead run away. have a good night

ps: it was hardly a discussion, you popping off “one upping” everyone. how pathetic

You’re right…they don’t represent the people.

i think i know how people “justify” impeachment…

The Dimwits need to stop their seditious behavior, censure themselves, do their job, and uphold their oath of office which is not to subvert the Constitution and abuse their power.

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