Impeachment Bump? Turley Was Right-Opinion Piece

If you are going to not take more seriously, I am going to point out the fallacies in your thinking. My preference would be for you to engage seriously but as that would require you deal with evidence or data, I am sure you will decline to do so. Unsupported mockery is comforting, I suppose.

Awesome. Iā€™m gonna go take a nice hot bath in a 60 gallon tub. You should get back to the topic and stop worrying so much about me. :hugs:

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Take what more seriously?

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You people? No they donā€™t.

They should have listened to Turley.

I honestly donā€™t understand why they were in such a rush.

They ought to have let the subpoena cases play out in the courts.

The clock is ticking.

A political calculation, to be sure. It is Schiffā€™s position that getting a decision through the courts could take months, even years. That the issues would be lost in voters minds in the meantime, and then the election is upon us.

Also, they felt that they had enough evidence to move now.

And, the fact that Trump has stonewalled perfectly good House subpoenaā€™s provided a further article of impeachment.

No they donā€™t.

Yet to be decided.

Welp, Iā€™m pretty sure they are going to impeach himā€¦

Not on evidence.

Well yeah, thatā€™s been it for 3 years. This latest rush to get in before election season is rather sloppy though. Nancy tried to stop them, but they were just to eager.

The calculation tells them they canā€™t beat him at the polls. He shook their collective psyche in '16.

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Thatā€™s one narrative, to be sure.

The other is that heā€™s a crook. Always has been. He got caught.

Iā€™m going with the latter.

Actually no. The end of it is the trial by the Senate.

By impeaching for not complying with Subpoenas before the Constitutional issues of the authority of Congress and separation of powers without a decision through the court system, Congress is taking the Constitutional authority of two of the branches of government upon itself.



Like a damn etch a sketch.

Shake weight

Iā€™m tellinā€™ ya, folks, the sequel is gonna be even better than the original. :rofl:


Well they can go through the courts if they think the president has been wronged, but impeachment is up to the house. He wonā€™t go to jail for being impeached just removed with the senateā€™s trial.

Should he go to jail? I donā€™t this there is beyond reasonable doubt, so no.