Impeachement. Why are the dems balking?

Watch the news. All of the liberal stations are still talking and pushing for impeachment. So are many high powered people in congress. Shifty and Nadler are still talking impeachment. So are the new dim bulbs in congress. AOC, the Muslim girls and many others.

Nancy could stop this instantly if she simply announced that there will be no impeachment, But she won’t. You are being scammed.

What lie would that be?

Hit reply too quickly. Interesting piece on how Republicans in Congress don’t want to touch the healthcare issue while Trump is full speed ahead on it.

Impeachment is a back burner matter. The Administration supported case against the Affordable Care Act, which if successful would end support for people with pre-existing conditions, the effort to undermine the Constitutional definition of the census by asking about citizenship, and the need to raise the debt limit by this fall to avoid either or both default and substantial cuts in military and non-miltary spending are much more definitional in our politics.

At least until Donald Trump has to decide whether to comply with a Supreme Court order rejecting one of his Executive Privilege claims.

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You say impeachment is not on the table. There are Congressional investigations going on. It’s not under the table.

The cable news stations are discussing impeachment. They have no power in Congress.

Impeachment is pure politics.


You brought up a point that has been swept under the rug. Let’s impeach Pence, too. After all, he’s got a finger in this corrupt administration. He needs to go. Just as badly as Trump. And maybe we can get Mitch recalled too. Why not go for all of the crooks in this admin.?

I’m not being scammed. They can try for impeachment eventually or not. Either way I’m voting for the democratic candidate in 2020.

You don’t seem to mind being lied to by Trump.

Why should Dem voters be any different?

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Some do, some don’t.

And it’s no more a “scam” than Trump threatening to sue people,or any number of other stupid things that he said knowing he had no plans to actually follow through but his supporters will buy it anyway.

I suppose someone has done a full analysis, but one thing has struck me about why Pence was picked as veep: Is there anyone whiter than he is? That’s the reason the gopers picked him. You’d never have seen them in this era pick a woman or someone of color. Pence was the least offensive option. And he was a religious nut besides.

It’s already been explained.

Oh Gawd. Gone racial. So predictable.

Okay. So you admit the impeachment talk is a lie. That’s a good start.

I can’t wait for the debate. I would be shocked if Rachel does not ask how they stand on impeachment. Most of them will say do it. Some of them, such as Joe, will dance around the question without really answering it. This will put them at odds with Nancy. This is going to get good. :blush:

So? I’m asking …

I didn’t. The gopers did.

No, she didn’t.

No, she didn’t. She’ll pay for it eventually.

Give me a second. I will copy and paste for you.

Schwerpunkt not identified.