Impeach trump now

One day hopefully you’ll find out the truth.

Or you can give it to me. In more than 5 words…


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Democrats are only concerned with a president of another party who thinks he’s above the law, they sure as ■■■■ don’t care about their own thinking their above the law.


The Russians got far more than they ever dreamed of from their election interference, thanks to the useful idiots who used it to try and paint a duly elected president as a treasonous Russian agent.

Vlad surely appreciates your efforts in this regard.

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“Putin won.”.

Hell yes he did. Whatever division and discontent he thought he could create with his troll farms and interference, he got ten fold worth. We just went through two years of self proclaimed purveyors of truth peddling a fairytale about a treasonous president, with the sole intent of stoking the mob into a frenzy. And as soon as that story comes crashing down, those same merchants of ■■■■■■■■ are out spinning a new yarn about obstruction and impeachable offenses…all with the same intent of keeping the frenzy fresh.

Yeah, Vlad got far more back on this than he invested.

All we got was a buffoon of a president and an inept opposition party that just blew what little integrity it could have retained on a two year fabricated story.

Well patently it is clear that you can’t trust Sarah Sanders.

You are being very charitable in the use of the word buffoon.

Self absorbed egotistical moron is too close to the description of his immediate predecessor and it’s far less taxing to type out buffoon.

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You could use PL as shorthand for pathological liar. An example of such is his absurd lie that his father was born in Germany.

I still like buffoon, it just seems to fit him.

How about PLaB: pathological liar and buffoon? PLaB would have a feeling of onomatopoeia as well.

Ahhh Taking a deep breath, I love the smell of morning and the alt left falling further into madness.


But the real rub is that he could have done something about it. He could have used Executive Privilege but he didn’t!


Exactly what are you implying? That he was too arrogant and/or stupid not to use executive privilege?

Useful idiots.

Or too honest
Or too smart
Or his team was too smart

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“Or too smart” NOPE - my father was born in Germany.

“Or too smart” NOPE - my father was born in Germany.

“Or his team was too smart” NOPE - Sarah Sanders “was not founded on anything.”

Time will tell. Obama and his administration haven’t been “Trumped” (vetted as critically as President Trump) yet.


Each situation is different.