IMPEACH 46! Official record of Joe's failures and Lies


And more importantly, SERIOUSLY, WHY??


Didn’t that new NC kook already say she’s introducing articles on day one??

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Yeah… was it avergbear posted about $7/gal under Obama?

Tomorrow he will lay his hand swearing on the word of a God he doesn’t believe in to uphold a document he doesn’t support to defend a country he hates…

You think what he has written means a hill of beans? Today, I heard one of the people in the caravan that’s on its way to America say “I hope Biden will keep the promises he made to us”. Biden will too. Like he said, “America first will end!” He’s already started showing where his loyalties are, just like his promise of a quick path to citizenship for the millions of criminals that are in our country illegally. The only thing Kid sniffer cares about is the same thing all leftists care about; POWER, and that will be gained at the expense of Americans…


Because killing production in America and making us dependent on the ME again is good for prices right? Maybe we could go back to the good old days of the 1970s when we were at the total mercy of OPEC. Good times!!


Maxine is from California. Yes, it is full of kooks…

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Sounds right.

Yup. It was his prediction if Obama was elected to a second term.
I believe that he died just before Trump was elected. Which is too bad because I think he would have been a hoot defending everything Trump.

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Prices don’t have to hit 7.00 a gallon to really hurt people’s budget, but that really isn’t the point. Trump got us energy independent. Why would anyone holding the office of POTUS want to screw that up?


If I remember correctly it was $7.12 per gallon. I miss averagebear.

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Data is through Q3 2020. However there was more improvement in Q4. And the prediction is that Q1 this year will be even better. As you can see, there was a downturn due to Covid. But before the virus hit the US industrial production was doing well.

Three out of those four were called the worst president ever just a mere 5 years ago

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Yeah, another Trump lie.

May be the charts showing America oil production didn’t start 1/21/2017

We were talking specifically about oil production, however I’d sure like to know what industries are being used as reference in your chart. The auto and steel industries sure tanked and they were huge…

When? What year did they tank? When was cash for clunkers?

We lived through this you know. On this board… well its iteration

You mad, bro?

Can’t be at you brother AZ, I’m depending on you to care for my dogs when the apocalypse comes!! (Hope you remember)

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Amazing.

I sure do. I’ll give them the best care. I love dogs. What kind are they?