Immigration rebellion

Remember the pictures from 2016 of all those kids lovingly placed on top of fright cars by their parents shipping them to the US?

No danger there at all, no harm, no foul… .

Quit moving the bar. If the crime rate is the consideration they should be heading straight to Canada right?

The international law says first safe country. Currently we are that country

International law again. US laws be damned.

No, the law says the first safe country they encounter. Not the safest country, the first country

I’d forgotten about that. Thank you for the reminder…

I swear it seems like some people think these children followed the yellow brick road to get here and are entitled to arrive in the land of Oz.

What do they not get about not mixing children with potential rapists, pedofiles and criminals? They are more concerned about separation anxiety.

Cons use international law as an excuse to keep Cannabis illegal on the federal level so spare me.

Not sure why when kids who were willfully put in mortal danger by their parents here have their kids taken by the State with cheers and applause.

That’s cute. Red herring much? :roll_eyes:

That and morality. Something that conservative at one time pretended to have

Again, take care of our own first. Or do you only care about foreigners?

I am capable of caring about both

By giving preference to foreigners. Whatever you say there pumpkin.

You have no idea how I live my life. Showing a foreigner compassion is not giving them preference over American citizens

Do you really want children mixed with adult population? Unknown felons, potential pedohiles? To me, not removing them from that situation is amoral.

Spare me. You’ve made your position more than obvious. Don’t try to backpedal now.

They are with their parents not mixing with the adult population. No matter how you slice it, what is currently going in is immoral an a stain on our country’s history

They are being shown compassion. We are keeping them as safe as possible. They have food, water, shelter. We cannot provide them with single family housing in a gated community which it almost seems to be what compassion for some here means.

Show then that they are more likely to be targeted in those countries than the countries they are fleeing.

No backpedaling. Wanting basic compassion to shown to other human beings is not giving them preferential treatment over anyone. I want that standard applied to EVERYONE