Immigration bill thread

so zero asylum seekers are allowed everyday.

that aint gonna fly.


Exactly, this bill is not really about enforcement but rather a mirage that is simply designed to have a more orderly open border.


And I would be very skeptical of the way Biden would use that.
The criteria for asylum is supposed to change from “significant possibility of persecution” to “probable possibility of persecution” (or is it the other way around). And what the heck does that even mean? Exactly what the thousand or so immigration judges decide it means.


Why would a truly persecuted asylum seeker be sent back to torture or death because he was number 5001? It makes no sense. What you need is a stricter definition of asylum, a stricter requirement of evidence, and if you came through a third country you wait there till a decision is made.
And if you don’t present at a port of entry, you forfeit your right to make a claim.

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That isn’t what happens, if we reach 5k illegal entrants for seven days in a row they shut down illegal crossings but the catch is, they just get redirected to a port of entry instead where 1400 a day can be let in.

It’s my understanding that this bill authorizes 1.5 million illegal aliens to authorized as citizens per year. That…all by itself is a deal breaker and I hope every establishment politician that would vote yes…is voted out of office and permanently disgraced back in their own hometown.


Actually, we currently have immigration laws that have been agreed to by congress that establish how many people can immigrate into this country. The 1,850,000 (based on 5000 a day) is creating a new method of immigration on top of the one already legislated.


Governor Abbott needs to start shipping illegal entrants to Kentucky so the nitwits, who keep electing Mitchell McConnell, start suffering the pain from McConnell’s notoriously evil Senate doings.



Same concept. No consequences

5000X365-365 free passes. hell no
automatic work permit for “asylum seekers”. hell no


The President can shut down the border any time he wants to. The law will do nothing but prevent him from doing so uness the limits are exceeded.


There is nothing wrong with the existing laws so long as they used in concert the way trump did.

  1. detain all illegal aliens (this includes “asylum seekers”)
  2. if detention centers are full, applicants can stay in a 3rd country while awaiting disposition
  3. on a case by case basis, detainees may be released “for the good of the united states”

Not as Biden had done it by skipping 1 and 2 and going straight to 3.


That’s one of big drawbacks of this legislation, as it will handcuff any future president from really looking to protect the country’s sovereignty from illegal immigration.

not to mention there really is no upper limit until day 7. So long as on day 7 its 4999 or less, no trigger

And billions of dollars to NGO’s to help settle these phony asylum seekers all across the US!


Another gaslight for idiot (D)runk voters.

Happy election season, folks. :wink:


It’s actually over 5,000 as some people are not counted in these numbers:

Always important to read the fine print!




It’s such a negligible amount, but man does that “Asylum Seeker” (D)og whistle get all the woofs! :rofl:


So, without this legislation do honestly believe that a US President is powerless to stop an unlimited flow of migrants coming from ALL across the world if they utter the words asylum seeker? What if a billion people (or chose another hypothetical number) showed up at the border that we would have NO CHOICE but to let them all in?