Immigration bill thread

1.8 million a year…that’s 1.8 million too many at this point.

You ask what’s the complaint?

The complaint is that 10 million or more illegals have already entered America…now you libs wanna cut that number a little.

What happened to Jeh Johnson saying 1000 a day would crash the system?

Let’s do the math another way…5000 a day is 150000 a month…libs were running on the border in white pants suits crying about the abused babies when similar numbers to 150000 were occurring in the early years of the previous administration….

1.8 million a year on top of the ten million that are already here….we as a nation don’t know where to put all these criminal invaders now.

And here’s the kicker….this crisis happened because liberal democrats gutted policies that were working and because liberals time and again refuse to enforce the law at the southern border.

In short any agreement with liberal democrats on the border stands to be ignored…

There is one solution to the border. And sadly democrats are going to have to be thrown out of power. The southern border needs to be sealed….5000 a day is 5000 a day too many.


That America last piece of ■■■■ Biden hasn’t bothered to enforce current law in fact he destroyed it with a series of executive orders.

There is no reason to believe either he or the Democrat left will enforce anything in this future law.


This is Joe Biden’s border policy in a nutshell. Thanks to Camp for posting it above.


This legislation contains a lot of ■■■■■■■■ that are already within the presidents power. This is from Sinema:

Right now, individuals who want to come to America just to get a better life or to seek the American dream, to find work. Those are what we call economic migrants, they are not permitted to enter the country whenever they would like. And our new law will ensure that they can’t get into the country that they won’t get that notice to appear, they will not be allowed in through the border ports of entry, or between ports of entry, like we see down in Lukeville, they will be turned away and sent back to their home countries. Because they currently are exploiting the asylum system that’s being really managed by the cartels. We’re ending that system. We’re ending that loophole and ensuring that they cannot enter through that manner.

Don’t these idiots already know that is existing ■■■■■■■ law???

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C’mon, you think conservatives actually wanna do anything on the current immigration crisis?:rofl:

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Because they’re ALL like that, right?

60 billion more for Ukraine?

Only 750 million for a wall?

I say go ■■■■ yourself Schumer.


And they want to add 50,000 H1B visas to the mix to go ahead and thoroughly crush American IT workers at fortune 100 companies.

Why is it even called an immigration bill? It’s basically a war funding bill.

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This was posted on Breitbart this afternoon…

“ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) warned that U.S. troops will be sent to eastern Europe “in a few years” if the Senate border bill that gives Ukraine $60 billion in aid is not passed.

Schumer said on MSNBC on Monday:

We’re at a turning point in America is build is crucial and history will look back on it and say did America fail itself?

Why is it crucial? Well, if we don’t aid Ukraine, Putin will walk all over Ukraine, we will lose the war. And we could be fighting in eastern Europe in a NATO ally in a few years. Americans won’t like that.”.

So this “border” bill is actually Ukraine bill.

I hate all of these people.


60 billion for us defense contracts and 20 billion for immigration fast pass processing.

It’s garbage.


There ain’t enough qualified American IT workers to cover demand. Whatcha gonna do?

So is Langford RINO now?

That’s completely bull ■■■■■ I’m in the industry it’s laughable. We have to turn away hundreds of qualified Americans each year interviewing, and has nothing to do with skills but pay.

Bernie Sanders knows what’s going on in this department I don’t know if he has changed his position or not, it’s a farce.


If this bill passes the border is permanently open.

The Republic would be done!


I think if Putin wins Ukraine and trump is elected, Putin invades poland because we all know Trump hates Nato.

Hear! Hear! :clap: :clap: :clap:


Just eh opposite. If it passes the POTUS has no choice. Will have to close the boarder.

Respectfully that’s an idiotic comment…like moron level.

Under whose administration did Putin choose to invade? Not Trump’s…


Do you support aid to Ukraine?

Ahhhh - There’s a good lib…That’s the strategy kids.

The topic is a bill about the American Southern border…You know that thing that runs from Texas to California that biden has turned over to the Mexican drug cartels.

The question is “Do you support aid to Ukraine?”

Aid to Ukraine needs to stand on it’s own. Tying aid to Ukraine and for that matter Israel to the immediate need to secure the American southern border is a stupid pet trick…So in this form no I don’t.

Show me how Ukraine is going to be held accountable for the billions we’ve already given them, show me how we are going to provide aid that will do more than just give Ukraine a chance to do something other than not lose over years and years and billions more and I’ll be interested.

Tying aid to Ukraine to the immediate need we face right now to seal the southern border is ■■■■■■■■