I'm Aggravated At The Goings On In This Country

Who brought up “cU”?

You don’t even understand the decision. And it did not significantly increase corporation campaign spending. That’s a myth you’re regurgitating. You are very susceptible.

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The whole thing is wishful thinking. Congress will never enact restrictions on themselves.

Most of today’s Politicians enter the Political arena with a self-serving attitude. Today, that is.
I am sure Founding Fathers were aware of that posibility.
One even said: ‘I give you Republic if you can keep it’…or something like that.
My wish is that they included a way of preventing corruption from taking over and didn’t leave a loophole open for a bunch of lowlifes to destroy the country, in the name of “Democracy”, by using Freedom of this and Freedom of that in the process.

Human race is not advanced and sofisticated enough to have that much Freedom. Sooner or later they will succumb to greed and dreams of Power.
That’s what we have today and it’s mostly Liberals leading the charge. The gloves are off and the only thing we can do is fight or hide.

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In a previous post you said Trump was the exception to the criticisms of age (if I read your post correctly). is Trump also the exception to what you said in this post about corruption?

No. There is NO corruption on the part of Trump.
If you want to be true to your self you have to admit that all those cases he is prosecuted in are FALLING apart.

It is corruption against HIM that’s taking place.
So NO…
He is an exeption IMHO in age consideration because he shows extraordinary ability to function vigorously with a sober mind and unmatched endurance…or haven’t you seen it.

How many 80 y old ones, NOT being an athlete, can do all those trips/rallies courts etc. in ONE week. !!!
Hillary and Biden, EVEN the Camel, can’t cross the street without being led by their nose.


This seems to be a trend.

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What kind of trend? Is this new?

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Looks like expected attendance at the conference is expected to be 40,000+ so it’s more than just Miriam going.

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Not surprising that it’s that many. There are a lot of corrupt Democrats running America’s cities.

Work from home is productive drain.

Dehumanizing bubble. Bad idea.

Paid commute is good. Shorter work week as a benefit is good.

Work from home is self incarceration and stupid.

Rather than prosecuted Trump is actually being persecuted by these corrupt woke libs.

Election interference to the extreme.

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ok boomer


We have to go into the office one day per week, we choose the day so that flexibility is nice. My most unproductive day of the week is the in office day but I enjoy getting out of the office.

My team is located in multiple states though I do have 2 members of the team located in my office so we meet up, have lunch, have in person 1:1.

Lol no it’s not.

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I hope the trades and essential workers realize their upper hand and demand pay accordingly.

Let the unessential stay home until their jobs are programmed away.

Boomer all the way.


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My employer succesfully relocated thousands of customer service positions to work from home. Productivity is up, accuracy is up, absenteeism is down. I always thought that was one role that needed to be in office and I was completely wrong.


You weren’t wrong some time ago.

There was a time when proximity to teammates allowed for different people to have detailed knowledge of various corners of the business, and they could share that with each other on the fly. I’m thinking back to my software support days in the 80s and 90s. “Oh yeah, Martha knows everything about database rollbacks…” “Oh, Fred knows how to repair those pointers…” “Greg, can you come over here and look at this with me?”

Today tools like TEAMS and Zoom and other such connective applications make physical proximity obsolete. You can have immediate conversations and share screens with teammates anywhere in the world. With tele-commuting, a lot of companies with support business divisions are downsizing their office footprint and freeing up floorspace that they turn around and lease to other businesses. (And overall this is killing the officer real estate market with increasing vacant buildings.) It’s saving employees a fortune in commuting costs.

There are still people who would rather go into the office nonetheless, and I’m not aware of businesses forcing them to work from home. That sort of flexibility helps with expertise retention, and can be a win-win for all concerned.


The programmers are the ones working from home.

Anybody whose craft permits them to work from home…should.

There is no reason in 2024 for accounting, finance, IT, engineers, etc should be sitting in traffic when they could be productive.


I get it that the Presidential candidates are way too old, and so are a lot of Politicians in Washington.

Is an age restriction the answer? I don’t know. I remember seeing some Pols in their 90s being rolled into Senate chambers and wondering what the hell is in it for them at that age? That they run for reelection in their mid to late 80s despite decades in Congress? They don’t have long to live, why spend the last remaining days addled and holding onto power?

You can be high functioning in your 80s, you can be addled and incompetent in your 60s. It is just more likely the older you get.

I just think folks who get power can’t imagine life without it. The trappings of it, the attention it brings, it has to be addictive. There isn’t a life that is livable without it. I think of RBG, who fought for women’s rights and was an icon to generations of women. Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which is almost always fatal, did she step down when there was a Dem President to ensure her legacy endured?

No, she held onto that seat till she died, and that seat is now being held by someone who is the opposite of her. She did that, that is her fault.

I suppose it is human nature to crave power and attention, and to resist letting it go. Some were capable of it, like Dubya and Carter, who never sought the spotlight after leaving office but had fruitful lives outside of it. And some cannot let it go, such as Trump, but I can’t blame him in part because if he loses in November he is going to die in jail, he broke a lot of laws.

Where I struggle is with Biden. I feel he considers Trump a threat to our democracy, and that he has beaten him once and can do so again. I think that matters more to him than personal ambition. I certainly could be wrong, but it seems he was settled out of office until Trump started sympathizing with White Nationalists, at which point he decided to run.

I would prefer a younger Democratic candidate. We aren’t cultish like the GOP seems to be with Trump, but at the same time I sense a bit of his pragmatism that winning this election is more important that having someone younger in. Trump is just a threat to everyone, despite the fact so many cannot see it.


I’m not in favor of age restrictions because we have too many old and decrepit pols.

It’s up to us as voters to correct that issue.

But we don’t. So we get what we deserve.

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