I'm Aggravated At The Goings On In This Country

Probably not…but that won’t change my opinion that term limits are a very good idea who’s time is long overdue.

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Judge Pratter died on May 17, 2024 at 75 years of age, still in active status as a United States District Judge. She was holding down a full caseload and had in fact just issued two orders in cases she was hearing the day before her death.

While sudden death can happen at any age, the probability goes up exponentially once a person hits their seventies.

Scalia died as a bolt out of the blue.

Either Trump or Biden (or both) could die suddenly of natural causes.

It is a foolish choice Americans have foist upon themselves, due to tribalism and stubbornness. Probably worse for Republicans, as an alternate Republican nominee would likely be wiping the floor with Biden in the General Election, rather than being in a close race.

We need structural changes, as Americans have repeatedly demonstrated they are too stupid and foolish to be responsible in selecting nominees.

Pratter was in charge of the Ozempic MDL. That will certainly screw up that high profile litigation.

Good Lord

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I’m pretty sure we’re not picking.

World Peace is a very good idea who’s time is long overdue, but that has about the same chance of happening as Congressional Term Limits.

Also, there is a great deal wrong in Washington that term limits in Congress won’t fix. In fact, the Washington Bureaucracy would probably strengthen if Congress was limited. Bureaucrats who know that if they just dig in their heels a little longer, that they can outlast anyone who tries to reform them.

A typical sentiment is that the longer a Pol is in Washington, the more pull they have and the better assignments they get, which also means your district or state gets more of the Gov’t moolah. So, it is selfish to keep the same Pol in place because they can bring you more stuff than a rookie can.

And until that changes, it’s hard to replace folks who have cemented their place over decades in Washington.

We may not see term limits, but we could change what seniority means in Washington. Maybe if the longest serving members don’t automatically get the best committees and chair them, there would not be an onus to keep the same member in Washington for decades.

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Very true. Voters vote to feed at the govt trough. And pols use their role to get re-elected, rather than to do what is best for the nation.

Society has evolved to this dysfunctional, selfish paradigm.


…caused primarily by the SCOTUS legalizing the bribing of pols and judges.

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That’s it…point your finger. The problem is with anyone who CHOSE to be corrupt. Laws are because we have asses among us.

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neolib broken record

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SCOTUS legalized the corruption. That is the problem.

That’s all that needs be said on this topic.


Well here’s some good news for somebody.
Joe Potato Head is gifting military hardware again this time in Niger.

Isn’t that just nice of him?


Are we supposed to dig up the runways and take them with us???


We had no business being in Niger.

How do you foresee that happening? There are plenty of ways the senior members can protect their seniority benefits from a power grab by the majority low seniority members.

Of course not. The runways will come in handy when the mass deportations of illegals begins. :rofl:

It’s a bit late to switch horses when they are headed toward the finish line.

Trump is 77, not 80. Biden is 81. AOC is an example of new, fresh blood — a train wreck that doesn’t have clue. Ronald Reagan is an example of the older, wiser person we need.

Young parents are ok, but the grandparents have the wisdom children need and should be heard and respected.