I'm Aggravated At The Goings On In This Country

I’ve been thinking about this “debate”, election, government in general, corporations, etc. The engine that drives the country and gums up the works.

The protests, the pissing away of my money and most of all the greed.

It is time for the Silent Generation, Brandon and Trump, and even the older boomers to sit down and shut up.

There is no reason whatsoever that in a country of 350M people, these two should be in charge of anything. And that goes for Graham and McConnell and Pelosi and Schumer and all the rest of them.

When a person gets to a certain point in life, the elegant thing to do is step back and take on an advisory role. Not continue to try to run the game. Especially these bottom of the deck dealing bastards.

How did we get to the point where our only choices for President are 80 year-old kid sniffer or 80 year-old clown?

We need an age limit. Nobody over 70 has any business being in charge of anything in government. They need to start transitioning at 65.


I agree.

Amendment ???

Section 1. Effective the first general election held at least 18 months subsequent to the ratification of this article of amendment, no person shall be eligible for election to the offices of President, Vice President, Presidential Elector, Senator or Representative, who shall attain to the age of seventy five years prior to the last day of the term sought, December 31st immediately subsequent to the election in the case of Presidential Electors. This shall include appointment to any vacant senatorial office. This section shall not be construed to apply to individuals elected or holding office prior to the effective date of this section, for the remainder of such term of office.

Section 2. No person shall hold any office of honor or profit under the United States who shall have attained to the age of seventy five years prior to appointment and any person holding such office shall relinquish it on the day they attain to the age of seventy five years. The operation of this section shall be deferred until 18 months subsequent to the ratification of this article of amendment. For purposes of this section only, an office of honor or profit shall include Judges appointed under Article I and Article IV of the Constitution, as well as United States Bankruptcy Judges and United States Magistrate Judges, but shall exclude Justices or Judges appointed under Article III of the Constitution of the United States to serve during good behavior.

Section 3. Justices and Judges appointed under Article III of the Constitution of the United States to serve during good behavior shall retire from active service on the day their whole year age plus their whole year combined terms of service under Article III shall equal to eighty, provided they shall have served ten years in combined service under Article III and shall have attained to the age of sixty five years. Justices and Judges who are retired from active service under this section shall be entitled to assume senior status and remain in service, but in no case shall any Justice or Judge remain in service after attaining to seventy five years of age. Justices and judges in senior status shall receive one hundred percent of the salary of an active service Justice or Judge. Retired justices and judges shall receive an annuity equal to one hundred percent of the salary they were receiving at the time of their retirement.

Section 4. Justices and Judges appointed under Article III of the Constitution of the United States to serve during good behavior, who shall have accumulated fifteen years of combined service under Article III, but who have not attained to sixty five years of age may take deferred retirement. They may terminate service, and upon attaining to sixty five years of age, shall receive an annuity equal to one hundred percent of the salary they were receiving when they terminated service.

Section 5. Justices and Judges appointed under Article III of the Constitution of the United States to serve during good behavior who are voluntarily or involuntarily certified as disabled shall immediately be retired from active service and shall receive an annuity equal to the salary they were receiving at retirement, provided they have served ten years or more of combined Article III service. A Justice or Judge who has served less than two and one half years of combined Article III service shall be separated with no retirement annuity. A Justice or Judge who has served two and one half years to five years shall receive an annuity equal to fifty percent of the salary they were receiving at retirement. A Justice or Judge who has served six, seven, eight or nine years of combined Article III service shall receive an annuity equal to sixty, seventy, eighty or ninety percent, respectively, of the salary they were receiving at retirement.

Section 6. The operation of sections 3, 4 and 5 of this article of amendment shall be deferred until the first day of the first presidential term of office subsequent to ratification of this amendment.

Section 7. The terms of all Senators shall expire at the first general election held at least 18 months subsequent to the ratification of this article of amendment, regardless of when they were previously scheduled to expire. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of this election, they shall be divided equally into two classes, with the Senators of each individual State in separate classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year and of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, so that one half may be chosen every second year. Thereafter, Senators shall serve for the term of four years.

There needs to be a point they are permanently put out to pasture.

I agree. It’s long passed time for these relics to ride off into the sunset. I’d say you can’t run for reelection after your 70th birthday.


there are no alternatives that arent self serving corruptocrats.

haley, bushes, frkn romney, all these the last thing they give a ■■■■ about is you


if you hate govt, and you should, (and media) then the guy you like is the one they all hate. and they do hate with a frothing passion

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Great idea! Unfortunately, it would take a Constitutional amendment to make such changes and it’s highly unlikely that the people in charge of proposing amendments are going to choose to do anything that might remove themselves from power.

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Things changed during and after COVID. They got better in the workplace for a while.

Now those same old managers are trying to push back the clock and make things like they were. “Back to the office!”

For freakin’ what? To sit in traffic 2 hours each way because you believe they won’t work if you aren’t watching of their shoulders? Year, sitting in traffic is real productive.

Why are we sending billions of tax dollars overseas?

It all needs to stop. The infantilization, the putting Americans last, the waste, fraud and abuse.

Just stop ■■■■■■■ with people. Everybody.


We all agree. Now, back to the clown show.


Dubya received the same treatment….

It hurts to agree with you, it physically hurts but I do on this. :wink::grinning:


Cool. This needed to be said. But …

now this is something i agree with wholeheartedly.

time for new blood and thinking


but in reality look who the RNC and DNC have stuck us with.

tweedledum (Trump) and tweedledee (Biden)


i cant believe the blind citizen support for either of them.

its like they checked the critical thinking part of their brain at the front door.


Sound thinking.

I would throw in pick the guys leftists hate the most.

As just about the only capitalist left around here, I say let the market decide.

There were numerous younger alternatives to Trump offered to Republican primary voters, but the voters chose Trump. The market has spoken.

You can criticize that there was no real alternative to Biden offered on the Democratic side and that would be.a fair criticism, but my counter is that where there is real energy, as we are seeing the New Jersey primaries, it is not hard to toss out a tired and corrupt Democratic establishment.

Why do so many conservatives think that markets have to be constrained to provide the outcome that they want?

Closest thing to bipartisan agreement here in months, and there’s always that one guy who has to wreck it with “Democrats = perfect, Republicans = dumb.”

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Welcome…I’ve been making similar arguments for a very long time.

The only two words you missed are “term limits”.

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We need age limits and term limits including a single six year term for President. That way the President does not have to use any of their limited time in office for re-election.

If there is an age you are too young to serve as POTUS then there is an age at which you are too old to serve.

Yeah no kidding sherlock, the country is in a mess and it’s more than aggravating it’s devastating and the reason is the commie pig Democrat Party, the rotten and corrupt bureaucracy in DC and the far left woke media and pop culture and we can’t leave out the cowardly RINO Republican Party.

We must get back to America First Constitutional governing and the closest thing we have right now for any chance of that is,… brace yourself,… the MAGA movement. :us: