Illegal immigration and Kids

Yeah it’s pretty great.


yeah. got no guilt. You know why? Because I’ve done my part in helping Down syndrome people. And one of the things I learned is that they don’t want the pity that comes from your self guilt.

You could always use the photos and videos released by the Border Patrol yesterday…

I’m so sick of listening to Geraldo Rivera, what a complete moron, he makes it sound like kids are being kidnapped from their parents. I wish Sean would keep this good for nothing idiot off the show.

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any of these children would consider it a miracle to trade places with one of those border children

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Their misery of those children in no way justifies what our government is doing to these children

our government is protecting them

that is ■■■■■■■■■■

Taking infants from a mother’s arms that has broken no law is not protecting them, it’s kidnapping

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please cite the case you are referring to.

There are hundreds of infants in 3 Texas shelters and a large percentage of the detained are seeking asylum and charged with no crime.

hey… that should make it easy. Name one and provide facts about the mother’s entry into the US.

That’s correct, they are all on board with the Cruz bill. Problem is it seems Dems are not.

They want things either their way… open borders… or to continue to make political hay out of this. Disgusting either way.

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The US government has official baby detainment centers so full of crying infants and toddlers we need more. Literal baby prisons and you are cool with it :face_vomiting:

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This is likely why Cruz initiated that bill. It’s happening in his home state.

Thinking of hundreds of infants taken from their families is an awful thing to contemplate.

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It makes me sick to my stomach. What happens to those infants when their mothers get deported and their infant children are stuck in the system? A lot of them will never be reunited.

Well they have broken immigration law. That’s why I so strongly support the Cruz bill. It keeps families together but doesn’t allow catch and release, which is what Ds want.

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Agreed, that’s the ultimate nightmare. It’s not just a matter of being separated for days, in some cases could be permanent.

That’s why it is urgent that a bill gets passed. Congress (actually Ds) need to stop playing games here.

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