Freedom belongs to those who don’t commit crimes for which they forfeit it.

If he provided the required documents and they refused to hire him on the basis he might be an illegal in spite of same the dairy then becomes liable under discrimination law.

He was joking.

I know… you fight ignorant sarcastic libs all day, it’s hard to keep a sense of humor. But it was humor… really.

If punishment is seen as a deterrent by criminals obviously they are aware of the possibility of having those penalties enforced upon them which pretty well shoots your whole theory.

Factoring in the likelihood of being caught is part of the consideration in the risk/reward paradigm.

Due diligence was getting an affirmative verification from the Social Security administration. Under SS regulations even a “no match” return is not grounds for termination.

You have no idea what documentation was provided by the perp to the Dairy Owner.

GDP would be much higher without them and they are far and away a net drain on society since over half of their families are on welfare of various kinds.

Not one in a hundred will ever be a net payer of taxes.

I’m not opposed to a national ID but one is not necessary to solve this problem.

The fact he was here in the US illegally.

Intended as humor or not the effect is the same.

No it doesn’t, no one wants to go to prison

You keep making statements that are patently false.

“Prison Cred” is a badge of honor for bangers, and many convicts that get out after very long sentences end up going right back in because they cannot deal with life on the outside.

You watch too many movies, yeah we all saw Shawshank Redemption too.

Regardless, this was about illegal aliens preferring prison to being free, not recidivism or some outlining gang culture. pay attention.

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So being here illegally made his kill this woman? There are lots of illegal immigrants in this country, not all of them kill people.

What I said is completely accurate, what you said was completely false.

Lot’s of people get angry enough to kill too, few do.

Were he not here illegally he’d have never had the opportunity to kill her in the first place.

Simply being in this country doesn’t make people kill. You’re talking about opportunity, not cause. He could have very well committed murder in his home country. What would you blame that on?

He could not have committed this murder in his home country.

without illegal immigrants buying stuff we’d be in a recession.


They also pay taxes.