Not sure why you are asking me to follow people on Twitter. I have had a Twitter account for years. But I only use it to view posts from our president. As an early user of the internet and early adopter of social media, I grew out of the need to extensively “follow” numerous people or to have them “follow” me.
The software used for this new forum is called Discourse (well played, masterminds), and it does not appear to have any plugins for a full-on ignore feature. There seems to be quite a few topics on the matter.
If I can do it anonymously, I will contribute money to a fund to help pay for modifications that would give us an ignore function. I’m too easily trolled by some and it takes me awhile to realize it. And then I feel like I need a mental cleansing after interacting with them on good faith. Ugh…
No help on Chinese women, but I can forward you a couple of emails in my spam folder from Nigerian princesses if you want to meet them … supposedly, they are looking to offload tons of cash …
Old Hannity forum became outdated. Times have changed. Leftist Troll armies are on every conservative forum. 24/7. Obstructing and twisting. Debate is pointless.
There is no congruent discussion . No way Trump supporters can communicate about future campaign activites, without barrages of interruption and obstruction.
These trolls hate Trump and Everything Hannity stands for. There is no value in discussing with people, literally performing as programmed bots, it is a waste of time.
This means the new forum, as beautiful and potentially useful as it could be for conservatiive planning and action, is rendered useless like the old forum turned out after mass invasions of leftist trolls who just move over to the new forum.
An ignore function would help the mods. The ability to prevent returning trolls woukd akso be necessary.
It’s not an “echo chamber” I am looking for, it’s something of value. The USA is at stake. Unity is necessary.
Unfortunately there are no real useful conservative forums or social media where you don’t have to constantly fight off hordes of Trump haters. So the trolls win.
People that just babble accomplish nothing. This forum could be a place of action and planning, not vain wasting time.