Ignore function

Times really haven’t changed at all. Republicans were regularly making the same claim—This place used to be great before it was overrun with the libs!—back when I joined the old forum in . . . 2004. It’s one of the oldest cliches at hannity.com. :slight_smile:


Defintion of insanity “cliche” is valid in this case.

I am not stupid enough to waste my time any longer, trying to argue with Trump haters.

Bye. It was entertaining while it lasted. I wish you a long and fulfilling life outside of political message boards.

But as a practical matter, how would people you disagree with here stop you, or other people who think like you do, from using the site for “conservative planning and action,” if that was something they sincerely wanted to do?

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You have control of the biggest ignore button ever. It’s right there on your iPad and it worked perfectly for a year and a half.

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No ignore button. A yr and half ago the old forum would come up completely jumbled on ipad2 and unuseable. No grest loss. The forum was just a infiltrated troll farm anyway.

Hopefully on this new forum which works perfectly on the old ipad now, the powers that be will implement the permanent solution and dump the Trump haters who disrespect everything Sean Hannity stands for on a daily basis which drives away Trump supporters, sick of arguing. Conversation is useless. Action is necessary to save America from those actively seeking to destroy it. The ratio of leftists to Trump supporters is like 8:2 and in no way reflects Sean Hannity or allow any planning and action, like-minded Trump supporters coukd use the forum for. People that get their kicks arguing and spinning are just wasting their time and the time of Trump supporters. Trump hate is essentially their 24/7 occupation. They are like bots.

Diverse opinions have been a part of this forum since I came in here back near 2005. And they will remain.

What kind of action are you planning?

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Yeah. This board needz moar echo!

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Does that mean you’re leaving and not coming back? Oh noes!!!

Look on the bright side – more time to investigate pizzagate.

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You come to an anonymous chat room to discuss actions to take? Do you live on Walden Pond? Aren’t there other like-minded knuckleheads that you could actually see in person? Meet ups? Mental institutions?

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I hope that the edit button comes with an ignore button. There are some here who are noxious. I think they are typically the types that live in mom’s basement, have sticky hands, and don’t do their own laundry. But then… who knows.

Indeed, who knows.

I had to look that up.

Get that poster one of these…


Haven’t worked out how to post an image yet.

Only a wuss would put someone on ignore.

There, you can add me to your list. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometimes watching a troll at work is good for a chuckle.