If you hate the USA so much, you are free to leave

Constitution is open to change, its written right in the document.

the Constitution once stated that Black were property and only counted as 3/5th a person that was changed.

to suggest that somehow America need to exist like it did in 1776 and that countries don’t evolve and change economically, socially, etc is ■■■■■■■ stupid.

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Simple. If the food supply runs low or living conditions are adverse, animals will seek better ground. They don’t tell Mother Nature to give them an abundant supply- because that’s how the world works.


Okay, now try actually making a substantive reply to what I said.

I remember I made you absolutely livid in a discussion about copyright. If you don’t like people copying your work without your permission, then how about you just don’t share it?


which part of the Constitution outlaw medicare?
which part of the Constitution outlaw NSA, FBI, CIA,
which part of the Constitution outlaw social security.

“Just because we have pens instead of quills, the first amendment should be taken away” and so on.

The Founding Fathers actually debated for plans to free slaves, and set a time for slaves to be emancipated. They got some backlash so they settled on 3/5 clause. You act as if they completely denied slaves/indentured servants rights.

Yes, and it takes a great effort, by several states, or 2/3 of legislators in both sub-branches, to do this.

but did they free the slaves, it seem they didn’t.

You haven’t named a single thing that Trump done that was unconstitutional.

What I did see is one that is ignorant of it.

NSA- 4th amendment

Healthcare- threatening one’s property- indirectly. The government is not in charge of people’s health issues, and it would be stupid to do so.

Supreme Court found both Medicare and NSA to be constitutional and within the power of the Federal Government.

Yes they did. In 1810, the slaves were supposed to be freed. Abraham Lincoln abided by the tradition of the Constitution, and it was a long fight until slaves were emancipated.

Do you know U.S history at all?

Show me where that is said.

And even if they did, if you get enough like-minded people on the SC, you can overturn or twist any law to your favor.

I am a Republican. I have no intention of voting for Bernie Sanders.

As I replied to you in the thread in the Religious forum, what was it about my statement of corruption in government that triggered this poutrage about me leaving my country instead of fixing what’s wrong with it?

You love corrupt politicians, presumably on the Republican side which is also my side. I do not.

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You seem to be missing the point,
Your acting like the Constitution is this perfect document that was delivered from a mountain top when in reality the meaning and legal justification of it has been debate for 200 + years and changed drastically.

The Constitution use to allow the Federal Government to involuntary sterilize people.

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Nope, we’re STILL going to change this country. Don’t like it leave.

Is the perfect document. Many countries have modeled their law of the land after it. The Founders were not dumb men. [quote=“CanadianJudo, post:55, topic:226063”]
The Constitution use to allow the Federal Government to involuntary sterilize people.

Oh really? When?

Laws change almost monthly.

It was once illegal to whistle at woman in public.
It was once illegal for woman to wear pants.

No, that would be you.

If you don’t like me calling it unconstittional, substitute criminal, stupid, idiotic…


You’re being ridiculous, missing the point and arguing just to argue. Go argue with a wall or something. I’m not playing your game.

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Were those laws in the Constitution or were they state laws/city ordinances?

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