If Republicans don't want border enforcement then WHY did Texas do what they did?

Lots of bots lately. Great way to drive up the page loads. :grimacing: :wink:

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Have you ever actually looked at the number of people who actually visit and post here? It is interesting to see it over time.

I’m more aware of numbers (both here and beyond) than your brain will ever be able to comprehend, yes. :wink:

What you’re passively-aggressively alluding to (the same way my little sister would), is that a disproportionate amount of lib losers with no love life are the majority here.

There are less lib losers than before, but it’s still indeed the norm.

The fewer of those disgusting worms slithering around (especially the Kid Sniffing types), the higher quality the few remaining conservatives can have.

Thank you. This is also a post the helps me understand things here better.

Yeah, you still don’t, but I’ll help you a wee bit more and then my charity is at its daily limit:

The lib losers with no life and nothing better to do than be losers on conservative message boards are the reason most of the old board members (lib and con alike) stick together on Facebook.

You’re not on any of their friend lists. :wink:

That’s what VP Harris was tasked with very early on in their term.

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Now you finally said something correct. Biden’s way is to allow millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of illegal aliens across the border, fly them around the country, house them, feed them, free medical, no bail for crimes committed…

Although you may be for this, those who actually love their country and are generating the taxes that are paying for Biden’s crimes…do not.


Let’s rewrite history…lib style…amirite?

Now…here’s what actually happened.

House passes bill rejecting Trump’s border wall emergency



Actually you should have reworded it…“fly them across the country” and force the American citizen to deal with the problems and poverty that these phony asylum seekers bring. What an absolutely wonderful president we have.

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Remain in Mexico remember

The most of wall funding came from funds already around such as DOD. Not to mention discretionary funds he is pissing away on pet projects let student loans. Use those funds.

See above

See above

Neither does congress

Yes he does

Not even a good attempt but we are used to you falling for media hype.


What does that have to do with the asylum threshold enshrined in law?

Why don’t we give the border it’s own budget instead of taking money from other departments?


If they pas a law allowing the executive that power, then the executive can exercise it. Just like we have done with foreign drug lords, and countries hostile to the US.

No he doesn’t.

Already is.

What you and your leftist masters are trying to do is change the threshold and lower the threshold to make it easier for you to allow even more illegals into the country.

No. The threshold becomes more restrictive under this bill.

But hey, don’t let the truth interrupt your rage.


Rage :joy::rofl::joy:

Yeah sure, whatever you say lefty.

An effective process was already in place Biden cancelled it.

It already does have a budget. If it needs more prioritizing it over other budgets is the answer not adding more debt. Libs say all the time cut DoD budget for example. Not to mention it should be a stand alone bill . If libs were being an honest broker they would put it out there. Or bote on the one sitting on Schumer desk.

Really you think congress can pass a power to authorize the president to go into another country and seize property?

Wow, he can by EO, maybe you should move on because you obviously don’t know ■■■■ about this subject. For example



There actually isn’t a threshold and can absolutely be at the discretion of the president if he/she determines that country is at capacity. If there were no presidential discretion then a billion people could arbitrarily show up at the border.

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Oh…so now you believe in laws? How about this one;?

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
U.S. Code
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(a)Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts
Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

Lemme guess the coming libsplanation. Smyrna…that’s different…amirite?

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Actually that’s not the case. All this bill does is say that there’s the authority to partially suspend asylum (remember the border NEVER actually closes) if phony asylum seekers reach ridiculously high levels.

…as determined by a corrupt source that isn’t enforcing the laws currently in existence.