If Republicans don't want border enforcement then WHY did Texas do what they did?

We all seen how Biden did it his way…and now we have 8 or 9 million more illegals.


16 million.

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His way got you the “crisis.”

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Biden’s way is the reason we have a border crisis. He took the most secure border in decades and turned it into a nightmare for the country.

We don’t need anymore of the disgusting Joe Biden’s way.


All dimocrats are social retards??

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so which is it dims??

“trump wants to be a dictator”? And a " racist"


“trump wants the borders open”?

Can’t be both.

You guys notice how the media won’t print their country of origin when they crime?


Right. Now read my original post again.

It’s almost like people pick a fight just to hear themselves argue.

Again we all seen how Biden did it his way…or is that too hard of concept to understand?

What Bills?

right. I don’t disagree.

So you agree Biden failed on his border policies…and that this bill doesn’t solve that problem?

■■■■ you arguing about? yes.

Than why the sarcastic BS?

Biden’s border policies have failed the country it’s true…

But Biden’s border policies weren’t a failure…they accomplished exactly the flood of illegals Biden wanted.

Imho Biden’s border disaster amounts to criminal negligence.

The lunatics on the left impeached Trump over a phone call…Biden has let ten million or more…none really knows…illegal invaders into America and they justify his sick policies.


Clearly you didn’t achieve your intended message, and instead projected the opposite to a bunch of people.

Perhaps your delivery needs work.

perhaps a bunch of people should be less reactionary.

It’s got to be ALL of US right?

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Little boy watching his daddy marching in a parade: “Look, Mommy. Everyone is out of step except Daddy!”


Who said Republicans don’t want border enforcement. Both Republicans and Democrats have historically supported border enforcement with differing approaches and priorities. However, the effectiveness of these measures in reducing illegal immigration can vary, and it’s essential to consider a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of migration.