If Republicans don't want border enforcement then WHY did Texas do what they did?

It really must suck to hold onto a philosophy that you continually must lie to defend.


Someday maybe they will learn watching The View for their news might be a mistake…



But it has nothing to do with this bill raising the threshold for asylum.

Then it must need more funding if they have to take money from DoD to get what they need.

Maybe a well funded border would be more secure…

Who said anything about ‘going into another country and seizing property’?

You know we seize property all the time, right? From drug lords, and sanctioned countries oligarchs.

Of course it’s US based properties and assets - bank accounts, real estate, yachts, cars…

Read your link:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) and section 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f) and 8 U.S.C. 1185(a)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

Go ahead and google one of those laws and see what the authorize the president to do.

Doubtful. They are drawn towards echo chambers for their narrative.

You see how they can’t handle someone disagreeing with them just from the nonsense they post here.

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What is shows we don’t need a new law.

They might but the money is out there, use that we don’t need to print more.

Sorry. I assumed from your post below you meant forgien property because I didn’t know you actually thought the executive doesn’t already have that power here. That is what I get for giving you some credit.

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You don’t want it to be harder for people to claim asylum?

I do. I think it will take pressure off the system. Fewer people waiting in the US or in Mexico should that system be put back in place.

How do you know DoD didn’t need the money diverted to the border?

Instead of turning a mistake into an insult, you could try just saying "i misread your post’. but then that wouldn’t be you, would it?

Have you read those laws that give the president authority to seize property yet?

What you’re failing to admit is that the democrats are liars. They have shown over and over that what they say is not what they are going to do once they get what they want. Plus, the bill does nothing to shut down the border. If the President can shut down the border after 5,000 plus a day enter. He can shut down the border so no one enters.



Claiming that they want to fix the same situation that they have caused.

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I agree. If those parent’s can be charged with involuntary manslauter for their neglegence in buying their son a gun that murdered people, why can’t Biden be held liable when an illegal kills a US citizen?


It was the republicans who said they wanted Ukraine and Isreal aid linked to the boarder.

Turns out they lied.

Three years of ignoring the border issue, claiming there is no crisis…suddenly replaced by a sense of urgency when the polls begin to sour.

That’s what 80 some odd million voters electing a drooling imbecile results in.


Including dead people

Turns out your being a little dishonest as to why. Imagine that.


And didn’t even attempt.


A few short years ago this was a very active place with many, many more people participating. It is now just a small shadow of itself. I think this was done intentionally.


Now that’s juicy! :rofl:

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That’s how they deal with US citizens now. :wink:


You keep ignoring that you’re a Russian collusion, Mueller illusional, BLM delusional…Brandonite that has no credibility left regarding their opinion. You’ve proven yourself to be wrong over and over. Now this comes up and guess what? @tnt has another opinion. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


The good news for me is, thanks to the popularity of our host, libs still come projecting their useless thoughts regarding the issues of the day and I love spanking them with their Brandonite stupidity.

image :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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