If Kamala Harris is so impressive why did she do so poorly with Dems voters in the Democrat primary for the 2020 nomination?

So it looks like James Clyburn has endorsed Harris as well as many others, so at this point it’s a virtual lock she will be the nominee. So let’s focus on the question in the OP, what happened?

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She will beat Trump.

Biden would not let her shine.


Obvious answer is that she’s not impressive but most in the 2020 primary weren’t either. There was Bernie and people afraid Bernie would be the nominee and then people angry Elizabeth Warren didn’t drop out earlier and back Bernie as everyone else dropped to back Biden.

The only thing I remember about her campaign was being hyped up on Morning Joe, people being surprised she was floundering, and then the “I was that girl” debate moment paired with t-shirt release.

correct. not impressive then, not impressive now.


Memory lane time. Some predicted Harris. Let’s see what everyone thought of the candidates before they were told who they would be voting for. :wink:


I don’t think they will settle for Harris I think the party of democracy is getting ready to put the black woman in the back of the bus.


Hard to believe that the dimocrat “brain trust” all got together and the best they could come up with is kamala harris.

What am i saying??

And don’t worry about kamala. She may just be the first of many replacements.

Think Speaker nomination, but with rabid dimocrats in complete meltdown, freakout mode.

She will be the next president.

As for her experience, add VP to the pile.

No we’re not goofball Republicans.

Kamala is the candidate.

Here’s some more. Just look at those lemmings stick to their programming. :rofl:

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It doesn’t matter who they put in there. It could have remained with Biden. There is a solid TDS block, and they will punch the chad of whichever name is in the (D) slot.

A lot of people on the (R) side will be holding their noses and ringing up Trump in the same way.

The real race of importance will be Congress. If the presidential winner doesn’t have a favorable congress (both chambers), he or she will be hamstrung.


I’m gonna bookmark this post for when she drops out, or fails miserably in a 50 state trump landslide.

You’re so easily swayed.

You probably thought biden was gonna win right up until the time he dropped out.

Like good trained (D)ogs, they’ll do as master says.


I think so too.

They all like to pretend that this is some “Dem’s in disarray” moment, but they forget how the nomination coalesced around Biden. There’s no reason to think it won’t be that way again, especially since everybody knows what’s at stake.


She did so well in 2020 before licking Biden’s scraps off the floor. :rofl:

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They like to think we’re gonna go all Republican House Speaker roulette but we’re not myopic goofballs.


They hope that we will go sideways. And who knows? Maybe we will, but I doubt it.

Its called politics. No conspiracy, no deep state.

The dems have to be play this strategically so they dont come across as a party that is in civil war. They need to coalesce behind a candidate fast.

Whether or not that candidate can win in the general election remains to be seen.

this is a predominantly conservative message board so its not like any dem candidate is going to get a kudos from the majority of posters.

Harris would not be my first choice but the dems will choose who they choose.

I’m almost convinced it’s not going to be her.

I believe what AOC is saying.