If Kamala Harris is so impressive why did she do so poorly with Dems voters in the Democrat primary for the 2020 nomination?

i agree. she will be installed. just like biden

how many times are you going to change your avatar by the way just curious?

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Care to address the OP? Why couldn’t she connect with Democrat primary voters?

Is Bob Casey OK?

Heard he was in Scranton sobbing.


Yep…by lib standards, she’s smart, historically accomplished and highly productive…

…the perfect lib. :sunglasses::tumbler_glass:

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You can’t stack ■■■■ that high.

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She dropped out of the race months before the first primary.

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Wow, even worse than I remembered! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The point being, she was never actually voted on.

Every 2.5 weeks.

If by installed, you mean “win the electoral college and get inaugurated in January” yes that’s what will happen.

Like Donald did that ONE time.

Same reason Ted Cruz or Florida Marco or Lindsey Graham or Rand Paul didn’t? There’s only one winner but we don’t throw away the ones who don’t win in primaries.

She was a super-spreader before anyone ever heard of covid.

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Cruz and Rubio made it a lot further through the process than she did and garnered a fair degree of support.

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yeah when he beat hillary

what a night. she was so upset she had to send out her weirdo campaign dude to tell the crowd as they sat there crying like babies


Trump has completely broken the Democrat party.

Nobody can trust them at all.

Early voting starts in September.

If they are voting.

Save our Mockracy!

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So she couldn’t connect enough to even get to first vote. Got it.

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She was polling terribly so decided to bail.

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